Well, yes, output is easy. I’m sending the picked up files from both locations to 4-6 locations depending on the name or extension.
And believe me, I’ve requested they dump them all into one directory. I’ve explained why. I’ve shown them my code for how I handle their files once I pick them up — because where they came from is never part of my sorting criteria, but because the user thinks that should be my starting criteria, they refuse to change it.
However, I need to eliminate some threads. It’s a kind of crisis matter here that will be resolved in beauricratic future, but right now I need to find ways to be creatively thrify.
I just know there’s a way to do it. It’s been ruminating in the back of my mind for a while. Just like my thought for using the same fileset-ftp process for all the batch billing processes, just pass the login, password, server, and file names in to a tclproc as parameters, if I can figure out how to encrypt them — of course, by the time I figure that out, we won’t be doing batch billing anymore. 😉