UPOC working in test tool not in actual

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf UPOC working in test tool not in actual

  • Creator
  • #53515
    Laurie Chaplen

      I have never used UPOC and am a newbie with TCL but enjoying learning it.  

      I’m using a UPOC with a tcl proc to route a VRL message based on the last field.  The route then xlates the file and renames it and sends it to the recieving (outbound thread) which places it in local folder.  

      UPOC TCL proc:

      proc trxID_refund { mh } {

          set msgFlds [split [msgget $mh] “|”]       ;# break out the fields

          set trxID [lindex $msgFlds 5]      ;# get the destination

          set trxID [string trim $trxID]

      echo “trxID = $trxID”

          return $trxID              ;# return it


      Testing tool shows:

      trxID = HBL

      t_epic_hbrefunds T52738|1|250.63|0000000356|Refund check sent

      When I put the file in test and process the message does not go through to t_epic_hbrefunds and to  the local folder and the t_epic_hbrefunds thread shows the message never gets to the outbound thread…. very frusterating that the testing tool shows it works and in practice it doesn’t.  Has anyone come across this and is there any fix?

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    • Author
      • #77955
        David Barr

          I’m not sure what the problem is. One possibility is that you’ve made changes to your proc but they haven’t been applied to the inbound thread. You can do this either by restarting the process that contains the inbound thread or by right clicking the thread in the netmonitor and selecting Control/Full/reload and selecting your proc.

        • #77956
          Robert Kersemakers

            Hi Laurie,

            Just to be safe, I’m going to ask the obvious. In your inbound thread on the ‘Inbound’ tab, did you choose ‘UPOC’ as ‘Trx id determination Format’? And did you then click on ‘Edit…’ and put in your tcl-proc under ‘Proc’?

            If your tcl-proc is working, you should be able to see your echoes in the log-file of the process. Are the echoes any help?

            Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

          • #77957
            Laurie Chaplen

              Thanks for the advice we finally got it working after finding the file had an issue.  Thanks again

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