I’m using a UPOC with a tcl proc to route a VRL message based on the last field. The route then xlates the file and renames it and sends it to the recieving (outbound thread) which places it in local folder.
proc trxID_refund { mh } {
set msgFlds [split [msgget $mh] “|”] ;# break out the fields
set trxID [lindex $msgFlds 5] ;# get the destination
set trxID [string trim $trxID]
echo “trxID = $trxID”
return $trxID ;# return it
Testing tool shows
trxID = HBL
t_epic_hbrefunds T52738|1|250.63|0000000356|Refund check sent
When I put the file in test and process the message does not go through to t_epic_hbrefunds and to the local folder and the t_epic_hbrefunds thread shows the message never gets to the outbound thread…. very frusterating that the testing tool shows it works and in practice it doesn’t. Has anyone come across this and is there any fix?