Upoc tcl open and write multiple files based upon max file size limit

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Upoc tcl open and write multiple files based upon max file size limit

  • Creator
  • #117451
    Bill Pitts


      Since increase Covid reporting requirements – we’re having issues with our ELR results file to state DPH exceeding DPH max file size limit.

      We process using upoc protocol and advanced scheduler on outbound thread.

      HL7 msgs from lab stored in tmp file; upoc reads temp file and writes output on timer.

      Header/trailer added to output file

      I need to split the output into multiple files if file max (1.5Mb) exceeded.

      I can identify number of output files needed by dividing the input file size by max file limit (and adding 1 for “overages”) but I’m having trouble opening the proper number of output channels.  I’d then write the transactions from the input file based on transaction count (I have a pretty good estimate of how many transactions I can send on output).

      We’ve also looked into setting up alert on file size and calling tclproc to split file but worried that approach might truncate data msgs.

      Each HL7 msg starts with MSH segment and ends with SPM segments

      We’re running CLV 19.1.1 on AIX




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    • Author
      • #117456
        Charlie Bursell

          If you are creating tmp files using UPoC why not simply create multiple files?

          You could append to a file until max size is reached and then create a new one.  I would set the high level to about 10% less than max just to be sure.  Size the file prior to appending using the file size command and compare to a global max size.

          You could create an OB thread that uses fileset/local  and then when timer goes off move the tmp files to the fileset/local directory and let the engine handle the load.

          Be sure and move do not copy.  Move is an atomic operation so the engine will not try to read files before they are in the fileset/local directory

        • #117458
          Bill Pitts



            Current tclproc, that successfully processes one nightly file, below:

            #    *********************************************************************
            #    on RUN mode:    Appends msgs to temp file TUFTS_MDPH_ELR_tmp_in.txt
            #                    Make sure to set Process name to “softlab” for TEST/PROD
            #    on TIMER mode:  Writes header, reads/write msgs from temp file to
            #                    TUFTS_MDPH_ELR_OUT.yyyymmddhhmm file, writes trailer
            #                    Deletes .tmp file upon completion
            #    ***********************************************************************
            # Modifications:
            #  date   init     mod desc

            proc tpsSoftlab_MDPHbatchAuto { args } {

            keylget args MODE mode              ;# Fetch mod

            set dispList {}                ;# Nothing to return

            #Make sure to set Process name to “softlab” for TEST/PROD
            set Process “softlab”
            #set Process “testing”
            set Outpath “/mdph_to_send/”

            switch -exact — $mode {
            start {
            # startup stuff
            # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args

            run {
            # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
            keylget args MSGID mh
            set msg [msgget $mh]

            # Get rid of all \x1c and \x0b
            regsub -all — {[\x1c\x0b]} $msg {} msg

            #Get the time in system seconds
            set systemTime [clock seconds]
            #Set the time using the hour, minute and second descriptors.
            set CurDate [clock format $systemTime -format {%Y%m%d}]
            set CurDateTime [clock format $systemTime -format {%Y%m%d%H%M}]

            # set directory path
            set root_path [exec env HCIROOT]
            set site_path [exec env HCISITEDIR]
            set subdir “exec/processes/$Process”
            append site_path “/$subdir/”

            # set the user data… for the message
            set filename “TUFTS_MDPH_ELR_tmp”
            set filenameextension “txt”
            set fullname $site_path$filename.$filenameextension

            # open tmp file, write record
            set curFileID [open $fullname a]
            #################  puts -nonewline $curFileID $msg\r
            puts -nonewline $curFileID $msg

            # close tmp File
            close $curFileID

            # return message
            # Always KILL original
            # KILL may not work in UPOC write in Cloverleaf v5.3
            # Get “Unsupported Disposition” Error and msgs in Error DB
            # Use CONTINUE for now, may check KILL when upgrade to Cloverleaf v5.6. complete
            set dispList


              time {
              # Timer-based processing
              # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args

              # Build envelope
              set cloverclock [clock format [clock second] -format %Y%m%d%H%M%S]

              # Original batch header formatting
              # set fhs “FHS|^~\\&|Softlab|TUFTS|ELR|MDPH|$cloverclock||$cloverclock|||\r”
              # set bhs “BHS|^~\\&|Softlab|TUFTS|ELR|MDPH|$cloverclock||$cloverclock|||\r”

              # New batch header formatting
              set fhs “FHS|^~\\&#|SCC|TUFTS^22D0074723^CLIA|RR1MSH5|MLAB^22D0074723^CLIA|$cloverclock||$cloverclock|||\r”
              set bhs “BHS|^~\\&|LAB|TUFTS^22D0074723^CLIA|RR1MSH5|MLAB^22D0074723^CLIA|$cloverclock||$cloverclock|||\r”
              ## set fhs “FHS|^~\\&|SOFTLAB^2.16.840.1.113883.3.3013.77.1^ISO|TUFTS^22D0074723^CLIA|RR1MSH5|MLAB^22D0074723^CLIA|$cloverclock||$cloverclock|||\r”
              ## set bhs “BHS|^~\\&|SOFTLAB^2.16.840.1.113883.3.3013.77.1^ISO|TUFTS^22D0074723^CLIA|RR1MSH5|MLAB^22D0074723^CLIA|$cloverclock||$cloverclock|||\r”

              # Sample from MDPH
              # MSH|^~\&|Sample Lab System^2.16.840.1.113883.19.3.1^ISO|SampleHospital^22D0076229^CLIA|MA-MDPH^2.16.840.1.113883.19.3.2^ISO

              # Sample within Softlab record — 11/5/2014
              # MSH|^~\&|SOFTLAB^2.16.840.1.113883.3.3013.77.1^ISO|TUFTS^22D0074723^CLIA|RR1MSH5|MLAB^22D0074723^CLIA|20141103095309-0500||ORU^R01^ORU_R01|570009460-2014110309|P|2.5.1|||AL|NE

              # set file header
              ### set fileheader $fhs\r\n$bhs\r
              set fileheader $fhs$bhs

              # set directory path
              set root_path [exec env HCIROOT]
              set site_path [exec env HCISITEDIR]
              set subdir “exec/processes/$Process”
              append site_path “/$subdir/”

              #Get the time in system seconds
              set systemTime [clock seconds]
              #Set the time using the hour, minute and second descriptors.
              set CurDate [clock format $systemTime -format {%Y%m%d}]
              set CurDateTime [clock format $systemTime -format {%Y%m%d%H%M}]

              # input file parameters
              # set the user data… for the message
              set filein “TUFTS_MDPH_ELR_tmp”
              set fileInExt “txt”
              set fullnameIn $site_path$filein.$fileInExt

              # set output path and filename
              # NOTE: “mdph_to_send” defined as Outpath, from beginning of proc
              set sub_path_out $Outpath
              append site_path $sub_path_out
              set fileout “TUFTS_MDPH_ELR_OUT”
              set fileoutExt  $CurDateTime

              set outFile $site_path$fileout.$fileoutExt

              # get input
              set tempfileFlagIn [file exists $fullnameIn]
              if {$tempfileFlagIn == 1} {
              set outFileID [open $outFile a+]
              # write header
              puts -nonewline $outFileID $fileheader
              #echo fileheader being written = $fileheader \n
              set inFileID [open $fullnameIn r]
              set wholefile1 [read $inFileID]

              # split the file into its transactions
              # remove any blank transactions (extra newlines)

              set BatchTrnxCount 0
              foreach BatchRec [split $wholefile1 “\n”] {
              if {[clength $BatchRec] == 0} {
              } else {
              puts -nonewline $outFileID $BatchRec
              #echo batchrec = $BatchRec \n
              set BatchTrnxCount [regexp -all {MSH} $BatchRec]

              # set file TRAILER
              set bts “BTS|$BatchTrnxCount|\r”
              ###echo bts = $bts \n
              set fts “FTS|1|\r”
              ###echo fts = $fts \n
              set filetrailer $bts$fts
              #echo filetrailer = $filetrailer \n

              ### Write TRAILER

              set EOFcurr [eof $inFileID]
              if {$EOFcurr == 1} {
              puts -nonewline $outFileID $filetrailer
              close $outFileID
              ### move code to inside if loop?
              ###close $outFileID

              close $inFileID

              # delete tmp Input file
              file delete $fullnameIn




              return $dispList



            1. #117751
              Bill Pitts

                Update: We got this working; thanks to Tom Patton (Tufts integration) for his tcl expertise and fix.

                We split the output files from the tmp input file based upon record max counts.

                Kept the same UPoC and Advanced Scheduler setup

                Cron calls ftp script to send output files to server that stores java tunneling utility to State DPH.

                Powershell script created on that server to send all output files to State, await responses, and send email notification back to internal hospital team

                Modified (new) tclproc to split source tmp batch into multiple output files below:


                # Name:    tpsSoftlab_MDPHsplitBatch
                # Purpose:     Batch Header & Trailer and Output File for Softlab Results to MDPH ELR
                #              Need to split file into multiple files to avoid MDPH 1.5Mb max size limit
                # Copied from tpsMDPHbatchAuto.tcl, which is used for Cerner ELR Results
                # UPoC type:    tps
                # Args:     tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
                #           MODE    run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)
                #           MSGID   message handle
                #           ARGS    user-supplied arguments:
                #                   <describe user-supplied args here>
                # Returns: tps disposition list:
                #          <describe dispositions used here>
                #    *********************************************************************
                #    on RUN mode:    Appends msgs to temp file TUFTS_MDPH_ELR_tmp_in.txt
                #                    Make sure to set Process name to “softlab” for TEST/PROD
                #    on TIMER mode:  Writes header, reads/write msgs from temp file to
                #                    TUFTS_MDPH_ELR_OUT.yyyymmddhhmm file, writes trailer
                #                    Modified to create multiple files if suspected of approaching
                #                    MDPH max file size limit of 1.5Mb
                #                    Deletes .tmp file upon completion
                #    ***********************************************************************
                # Modifications:
                #  date   init     mod desc
                #  7/9/2020 whp   Need to split file into multiple files to avoid MDPH 1.5Mb max size limit
                #                 File sizes increased since Covid-19 reporting, approx early April 2020
                #  8/3/2020 tgp   adjusted this script to embedd a file# in the file name

                proc tpsSoftlab_MDPHsplitBatch { args } {

                keylget args MODE mode              ;# Fetch mod

                set dispList {}                ;# Nothing to return

                #Make sure to set Process name to “softlab” for TEST/PROD
                set Process “softlab”
                #set Process “testing”
                set Outpath “/mdph_to_send/”

                # variables needed to determine and split large files
                set filelargeFlag “N”
                set multiFileFlag “N”
                set fileNum {1}
                set filesizeMax {700000}
                set recCountMax {199} ; # keep 1 less than the actual count wanted
                set numFiles {0}
                set OutFilesSize {0}

                switch -exact — $mode {
                start {
                # startup stuff
                # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args

                run {
                # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
                keylget args MSGID mh
                set msg [msgget $mh]

                # Get rid of all \x1c and \x0b
                regsub -all — {[\x1c\x0b]} $msg {} msg

                #Get the time in system seconds
                set systemTime [clock seconds]
                #Set the time using the hour, minute and second descriptors.
                set CurDate [clock format $systemTime -format {%Y%m%d}]
                set CurDateTime [clock format $systemTime -format {%Y%m%d%H%M}]

                # set directory path
                set root_path [exec env HCIROOT]
                set site_path [exec env HCISITEDIR]
                set subdir “exec/processes/$Process”
                append site_path “/$subdir/”

                # set the user data… for the message
                set filename “TUFTS_MDPH_ELR_tmp”
                set filenameextension “txt”
                set fullname $site_path$filename.$filenameextension

                # open  the tmp file, write record
                set curFileID [open $fullname a]
                ##fconfigure $curFileID -translation lf
                ## puts -nonewline $curFileID $msg\r

                ####puts -nonewline $curFileID $msg
                puts $curFileID $msg

                # close the tmp File
                close $curFileID

                # return message
                # Always KILL original
                # KILL may not work in UPOC write in Cloverleaf v5.3
                # Get “Unsupported Disposition” Error and msgs in Error DB
                # Use CONTINUE for now, may check KILL when upgrade to Cloverleaf v5.6. complete
                set dispList


                  time {
                  # Timer-based processing
                  # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args

                  # Build envelope
                  set cloverclock [clock format [clock second] -format %Y%m%d%H%M%S]

                  # New batch header formatting
                  set fhs “FHS|^~\\&#|SCC|TUFTS^22D0074723^CLIA|RR1MSH5|MLAB^22D0074723^CLIA|$cloverclock||$cloverclock|||\r”
                  set bhs “BHS|^~\\&|LAB|TUFTS^22D0074723^CLIA|RR1MSH5|MLAB^22D0074723^CLIA|$cloverclock||$cloverclock|||\r”

                  # Sample from MDPH
                  # MSH|^~\&|Sample Lab System^2.16.840.1.113883.19.3.1^ISO|SampleHospital^22D0076229^CLIA|MA-MDPH^2.16.840.1.113883.19.3.2^ISO

                  # Sample within Softlab record — 11/5/2014
                  # MSH|^~\&|SOFTLAB^2.16.840.1.113883.3.3013.77.1^ISO|TUFTS^22D0074723^CLIA|RR1MSH5|MLAB^22D0074723^CLIA|20141103095309-0500||ORU^R01^ORU_R01|570009460-2014110309|P|2.5.1|||AL|NE

                  # set file header
                  ### set fileheader $fhs\r\n$bhs\r
                  set fileheader $fhs$bhs

                  # set directory path
                  set root_path [exec env HCIROOT]
                  set site_path [exec env HCISITEDIR]
                  set subdir “exec/processes/$Process”
                  append site_path “/$subdir/”

                  #Get the time in system seconds
                  set systemTime [clock seconds]
                  #Set the time using the hour, minute and second descriptors.
                  set CurDate [clock format $systemTime -format {%Y%m%d}]
                  set CurDateTime [clock format $systemTime -format {%Y%m%d%H%M}]

                  # input file parameters
                  # set the user data… for the message
                  set filein “TUFTS_MDPH_ELR_tmp”
                  set fileInExt “txt”
                  set fullnameIn $site_path$filein.$fileInExt

                  # set output path and filename
                  # NOTE: “mdph_to_send” defined as Outpath, from beginning of proc
                  set sub_path_out $Outpath
                  append site_path $sub_path_out
                  set fileout “TUFTS_MDPH_ELR_OUT”
                  set fileoutExt  $CurDateTime

                  # get input
                  set tempfileFlagIn [file exists $fullnameIn]

                  if {$tempfileFlagIn == 1} {

                  set outFile $site_path$fileout$fileNum.$fileoutExt
                  set outFileID [open $outFile a+]

                  # write header
                  puts -nonewline $outFileID $fileheader

                  # read date in from input file
                  set inFileID [open $fullnameIn r]
                  fconfigure $inFileID -buffering line

                  set wholefile1 [read $inFileID]
                  # split the file into its transactions
                  # remove any blank transactions (extra newlines)

                  set BatchTrnxCount 0
                  set RecCount 0

                  foreach BatchRec [split $wholefile1 “\n”] {
                  if {[clength $BatchRec] == 0} {
                  } else {
                  # check file size before batchrec write
                  set OutFileSize [file size $outFile]
                  # create and write trailer, close outFileID –
                  # start new file if over size limit
                  if {$RecCount > $recCountMax} {
                  set bts “BTS|$RecCount|\r”
                  set fts “FTS|1|\r”
                  set filetrailer $bts$fts
                  puts -nonewline $outFileID $filetrailer
                  close $outFileID

                  # prep new file
                  incr fileNum
                  set outFile $site_path$fileout$fileNum.$fileoutExt
                  set outFileID [open $outFile a+]
                  set RecCount 0

                  # write header for new file
                  puts -nonewline $outFileID $fileheader
                  #  write out batch record – then check if over sized and wrap up file and start new
                  puts -nonewline $outFileID $BatchRec
                  incr RecCount

                  # set file TRAILER
                  set bts “BTS|$RecCount|\r”
                  set fts “FTS|1|\r”
                  set filetrailer $bts$fts

                  ### Write TRAILER
                  set EOFcurr [eof $inFileID]
                  if {$EOFcurr == 1} {
                  puts -nonewline $outFileID $filetrailer
                  close $outFileID

                  close $inFileID

                  # delete tmp Input file
                  file delete $fullnameIn
                  } else {
                  echo “No Lab ELR input file exists in process directory”


                  return $dispList

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