Upgrading Cloverleaf from 5.8 to 6.02 – GUI question

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  • Creator
  • #54383
    Scherie Drewa

      We are upgrading Cloverleaf from 5.8 to 6.02.  At one time, I thought I was told during a demo, that you can change the GUI on 6.0 to look like 5.8 GUI.

      Is this true?  If it is, how do I make that change.

      Thanks,   Scherie

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    • Author
      • #81253
        Troy Morton

          There are options in the GUI under /options/client options that will let you change the GUI appearance.

        • #81254
          James Cobane


            Under the “Client Options”, Netmonitor tab if select “Simple line” instead of Z-style, it should revert to straight lines.

            Jim Cobane

            Henry Ford Health

          • #81255
            Robert Kersemakers

              Yep, I reverted back to the old style appearance. Z-style lines were horrible, as it looked like connections came from the wrong threads, so you would have to rearrange all threads.

              Also have a look at the thread Bitmap. We always had a special 20×20 hci-bitmap. So all looked the same as we are migrating to CL60. But if you remove the special bitmap, the thread will show by default what kind of thread it is: fileset, tcp/ip, pdl etc. So we are going with that.

              And you can rearrange the ‘properties’ part of the Network Configurator window by dragging it to the right, top or left of the screen. I keep it on the bottom.

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

            • #81256
              Russ Ross

                Even though our sites are kept smaller it took a while to find an arrangement that suited me in the Cloverleaf 6.0 GUI/IDE default look.

                Attached is a screen shot that might be helpful for those still in search of an arrangement syle if using the default curved lines.

                What I like about this arrangement is:

                – the arrows don’t cut through the thread names making them easier to read

                – the route arrows don’t overlap to much so easy to slect the right one

                – the thread names can be long in length and still not get in the way

                – still relatively concise since each thread partially overlaps its neighboring thread’s territory

                Curved arrows instead of straight arrows allowed us to go from 8 to 10 jump send interfaces in our distribution sites and still have a useable uncrowded look.

                As simply as this screen shot looks, I did spend considerable time trying various arrangements so maybe this will get someone there quicker than it took me.

                I would be curious to see other curved arrow arrangments that others may have come up with that they like, especially for crowed processes or sites.

                Russ Ross

              • #81257
                Scherie Drewa

                  Thank you all for your comments!  This is very helpful!


                • #81258
                  Robert Kersemakers

                    BTW Russ: that line to js_08 is crooked. Unacceptable! 😈

                    Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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