Unable to find IDENT database record

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  • Creator
  • #53137
    Allerson Pereira

    Hi friends, since last night im facing this error on production server.

    Actually, im not able to start any process. I have been trying the solutions I found on another similar topics, basically these steps…


    * Stop all processes

    * Stop all site daemons (hcisitectl -f -K)

    * Remove the monitorshmemfile (rm $HCISITEDIR/exec/monitorShmemfile)

    * Cleanup memory region (hcimsiutil -R)

    * Remove vista.taf (rm $HCISITEDIR/exec/databases/vista.taf)

    * Cleanup site (hcisitecleanup)

    * Initialise database (hcidbinit -iC)

    * If necessary (when having DB_vista error), rebuild logs:

      keybuild rlog

      dchain rlog

      keybuild elog

      dchain elog

    * Start site daemons (hcisitectl -S)

    * Start all processes

    Can you please tell how to fix? Any idea will be appreciated.


    [prod:prod:INFO/0:  STARTUP_TID] Copyright 1993-2007, Quovadx Inc.

    [prod:prod:INFO/0:  STARTUP_TID] QDX(TM) Integration Services 5.3P Rev5

    [prod:prod:INFO/0:  STARTUP_TID] Linked by Administrator on swatch at Mon Apr 23 15:34:29 2007 in C:/cloverrel/cloverleaf/engine/main (build 143)

    [prod:prod:INFO/0:  STARTUP_TID] Started at Mon Jun 11 13:42:58 2012

    [prod:prod:INFO/0:  STARTUP_TID] Engine process is 4716 on host risintsrv

    06/11/2012 13:42:58

    [dbi :dbi :ERR /0:   UAproc_cmd] Unable to find IDENT database record

    06/11/2012 13:42:58

    [cmd :cmd :ERR /0:   UAproc_cmd] Initialization of DBI failed

    06/11/2012 13:42:58

    [prod:prod:ERR /0:   UAproc_cmd] Unable to initialize the Command Thread.

    PANIC: “0”

    PANIC: Calling “pti” for thread UAproc_cmd

    Scheduler State

    Thread Events     State      Priority Runnable  PT Msgs

      0      0   SCHED_IDLE         0       0       0,0,0

    Thread 0

    ti: 0x00A217F8

       tid           :    0

       HostPthreadId : 0x00000000

       EventList     : 0x003E53C8

       PolledEvents  : 0x003E54C8

       PthreadEvent  : 0x003E5450

       ReadyEvents   : 0x003E7FE8

       CtrlMsgs      : 0x003E7EC8

       UserCtrlMsgs  : 0x003E5500

       UserDataMsgs  : 0x003E7AC8

       StartArgs     : 0x00000000

       SchedState    : SCHED_IDLE

       SchedPriority : 0

       Killed        : 0

    Registered Events

    el: 0x003E53C8

       elCount : 1

       elHead: 0x00A21920

       elTail: 0x00A21920

    ele: 0x00A21920

       event: 0x003E5450

       prev : 0x0

       next : 0x0

    ev: 0x3e5450

        evType     : PTHREADS

        evStrDesc    :

        evSocket     : 0

        evHandle     : 0

        evMsgQue     : 0

        evTid        : 0

        evState      : 0

        evPtMsg      : 0x0

        evUserData   : 0x0

        evCallBack   : 0x0

        evCbShutdown : 0x0

        evRecurFreq  :

    Polled Events

    el: 0x003E54C8

       elCount : 0

       elHead: 0x00000000

       elTail: 0x00000000

    Ready Events

    el: 0x003E7FE8

       elCount : 0

       elHead: 0x00000000

       elTail: 0x00000000

    Outstanding Pthread Ctrl Msgs

    pmq: 0x003E7EC8

    Count   : 0

    Head    : 0x00000000

    Tail    : 0x00000000

    Outstanding Pthread User Ctrl Msgs

    pmq: 0x003E5500

    Count   : 0

    Head    : 0x00000000

    Tail    : 0x00000000

    Outstanding Pthread User Data Msgs

    pmq: 0x003E7AC8

    Count   : 0

    Head    : 0x00000000

    Tail    : 0x00000000

    PANIC: Process panic—engine going down

    PANIC: assertion ‘0’ failed at main.cpp/236

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  • Author
    • #76692
      David Harrison


      I’m on Cloverleaf 5.6 on Solaris 10 and these are the steps I have used in a situation similar to yours. Note vista.taf has been replaced by rdm.taf.


      Cloverleaf Site Cleanup Instructions

      These instructions should be followed in the event of interface problems and errors. The steps that follow will bring down the daemons, processes and threads, clean up the shared memory and re-initialise the databases.

      Try to shut down all threads and processes cleanly on the site.

      1. Login to the server as user hci .

      2. At the prompt type setroot

      3. Now go to the site you want by typing setsite sitename

      4. At the prompt type hcisitectl. This will let you know if the lock manager (lockmgr) and Monitor (hcimonitord) daemons are running.

      5. At the prompt type hciprocstatus. This will show the state of the processes.

      6. At the prompt type hciconnstatus. This will show the state and proto status of the threads.

      7. At the prompt type hcienginestop

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