Two connections to one thread

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  • Creator
  • #52814
    Tom Gilbert

      I need some help. I had a connection for results from my lab system and it is working great…

      Lab —> fr_lab_oru

      Now i am getting a result from an outside source and the problem is the result is pending on fr_lab_oru.  Is there a configuration.

      osLab —> fr_lab_oru

      I have a bonus question.

      When I am getting the HL7 message from an outside source and I do a bulk copy it does not copy PID or PV1 so have to do a pathcopy on these.  Anythought on why bulkcopy is not working…?

      PLEASE HELP!!!

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    • Author
      • #75553
        Jim Kosloskey


          As to your first question:

          On the outbound thread do you have reply handling activated? Are you waiting replies, etc. If so are you getting a reply?

          Could it be the last mesage you sent and are waiting a reply is from the new source?

          As to the second question, make sure your new source message matches the variant you are using for your Xlate inbound and that variant also matches the variant for the outbound.

          In the Xlate tester or the Process Log do you see any messages relatd to something like mis-matched IR tags?

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #75554
          Keith McLeod

            Also, your destination system may not send an Acknowledgement if it requires a value like AL in MSH:15(I beleive).  Compare to the source that works to determine if this could be part of your issue along with what Jim K. has recommended.

          • #75555
            Tom Gilbert

              The receiving thread is no Acking back to the sending thread seems to get pending but no time stamp on that thread that it got the message to process.

              Also, The incoming message on the xlate is HL7 2.2/ORU and the outgoing on the xlate is HL7 2.4/ORU_R01

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