Two blanks in a row, TCL help

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Two blanks in a row, TCL help

  • Creator
  • #111015
    Jason Puskar



      I have a simple problem but not able to figure out. I have an issue where I am passing an address line to a xlate tcl. The TCL reads in each work and turns it to proper case with tupper/tolower commands. All this works fine, but some of the address fields have two blanks between the street and the second address line.  The TCL returns the double brackets {} for the blank instead. What simple thing am I overlooking that will remove double spaces?



      Outbound message

      ||950 Calcon Hook Road {} Suite 15^^Sharon Hill^PA^19079^^O||


      Tcl code


      set inList [lindex $xlateInVals 0]

      set inListSplit [split $inList ” “]

      foreach item $inListSplit {

      set item [string tolower $item 1 end]

      set item [string toupper $item 0 0]

      set xOut [lappend xOut $item]





      set xlateOutVals

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      • Author
        • #111016
          David Barr

            Try replacing your “split” line with this:

            set inListSplit [regexp inline all {\S+} $inList]

            Split always returns empty elements if you have consecutive separator characters.

          • #111017
            Jim Kosloskey

              Or maybe do a string map to change 2 spaces to one space before doing the split.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #111018
              Tim Pancost

                When you split a string that contains two spaces adjacent to each other, it’s going to create an empty element in the resulting list.  So when you loop through that list, the empty element is one of the iterations that just gets tacked onto your ending list.  You could add an ‘if’ to check the length of the element and only do your string operations if the length of the element is greater than zero.  Your result will not have the extra space in it, though, like the original string.

                If you want to keep the extra space, you could try something like the following.  Basically treats the address line as a “sentence”, and uses “string totitle” to capitalize the first letter in each word in the sentence.

                set inList [lindex $xlateInVals 0]

                set address [subst [regsub -all {\S+} $inList {[string totitle &]}]]

                set xOut




                  Tim Pancost
                  Trinity Health

                1. #111019
                  Jason Puskar


                    I like the string map idea and tried it myself.  I must not have the right syntax.  How would you code it?

                  • #111020
                    Jim Kosloskey

                      I think I would try:

                      string map {{  } { }} variable

                      where the first element has 2 spaces between { and }, the second element has a single space between { and }.


                      email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                    • #111044
                      Jason Puskar


                        Thanks again for the help and coding suggestions.  As it worked out for us, we don’t need the blank space so I used the method to only copy over the fields when the length is > then 0.


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