Please Wait ……
Command Issued: hciroutetest -x ASCII -d -f eof -e hciroutetestshowbydest Test_In /hci/cis5.8/integrator/fm_finance/Data/WESTR_PARK_NIC_2K12_410834920_NOPAY20121109130507.835
Command output:
Output going to stdout
[xlt :rout:ERR /0: UNNAMED_TID:11/27/2012 12:10:33] No routes defined for TrxId ‘UNKNOWN_FILE_NAME’
Below is TCL Upoc code i sm trying to wor on please some one can tell what i am missing or what should i be doing to get this file name Trxid working .
# Name: trxid_Filename
# Purpose:
# UPoC type: trxid
# Args: msgId = message handle
# args = (optional) user arguments
# Returns: The message’s transaction ID
# Notes:
# The message is both modify- and destroy-locked — attempts to modify
# or destroy it will error out.
proc trxid_Filename { mh {args {}} } {
global HciConnName ;# Name of thread
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
set ctx “” ; keylget args CONTEXT ctx ;# Fetch tps caller context
set uargs {} ; keylget args ARGS uargs ;# Fetch user-supplied args
set debug 0 ; ;# Fetch user argument DEBUG and
catch {keylget uargs DEBUG debug} ;# assume uargs is a keyed list
set module “trxid_Filename/$HciConnName” ;# Use this before every echo/puts
set msgSrcThd [msgmetaget $mh SOURCECONN] ;# Name of source thread where message came from
;# Use this before necessary echo/puts
;# args is keyed list when available
set msg [msgget $mh]
# Get the IB message handle
keylget args MSGID mh
# Original filename should be in the meta data
# if not, default to UNKNOWN
# Default name
# Get driver control metadata
set klst [msgmetaget $mh DRIVERCTL]
# Get file name and remove from path
keylget klst FILENAME OBFN
set OBFN [file tail $OBFN]
echo $OBFN
return $OBFN
set trxId “TRICARE” ;# determine the trxid
set trxId “UNKNOWN”
echo $trxId
return $trxId ;# return it