TrxId Upoc to determine File Name

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  • #53384

    Can some one tell me what am I missing here i want to find file name from a directory and set the Trxid to route message.I am missing something which i am unable to know in the code i built here is error i get when run route test

    Please Wait ……

    Command Issued: hciroutetest -x ASCII -d -f eof -e hciroutetestshowbydest Test_In /hci/cis5.8/integrator/fm_finance/Data/WESTR_PARK_NIC_2K12_410834920_NOPAY20121109130507.835

    Command output:

    Output going to stdout


    [xlt :rout:ERR /0:  UNNAMED_TID:11/27/2012 12:10:33] No routes defined for TrxId ‘UNKNOWN_FILE_NAME’

    Below is TCL Upoc code i sm trying to wor on please some one can tell what i am missing or what should i be doing to get this file name Trxid working .


    # Name: trxid_Filename

    # Purpose:

    # UPoC type: trxid

    # Args: msgId = message handle

    # args  = (optional) user arguments

    # Returns: The message’s transaction ID


    # Notes:

    # The message is both modify- and destroy-locked — attempts to modify

    # or destroy it will error out.


    proc trxid_Filename { mh {args {}} } {

       global HciConnName                          ;# Name of thread


       keylget args MODE mode                         ;# Fetch mode

       set ctx “”   ; keylget args CONTEXT ctx        ;# Fetch tps caller context

       set uargs {} ; keylget args ARGS uargs         ;# Fetch user-supplied args


       set debug 0  ;                                 ;# Fetch user argument DEBUG and

       catch {keylget uargs DEBUG debug}              ;# assume uargs is a keyed list


       set module “trxid_Filename/$HciConnName”   ;# Use this before every echo/puts


       set msgSrcThd [msgmetaget $mh SOURCECONN]   ;# Name of source thread where message came from

                                                   ;# Use this before necessary echo/puts

                                                    ;# args is keyed list when available


       set msg [msgget $mh]


             # Get the IB message handle

               keylget args MSGID mh

       # Original filename should be in the meta data

       # if not, default to UNKNOWN

       # Default name


       # Get driver control metadata

       set klst [msgmetaget $mh DRIVERCTL]

       # Get file name and remove from path

       keylget klst FILENAME OBFN

       set OBFN [file tail $OBFN]

                 echo $OBFN

                 return $OBFN



  • $OBFN]}{

           set trxId “TRICARE”    ;# determine the trxid


           set trxId “UNKNOWN”


          echo $trxId

                    return $trxId           ;# return it




    Raj 🙂

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  • Author
    • #77520
      Jerry Tilsley

      Echo out the $OBFN variable before and after you use the file tail command to be sure the variable is being populated as you would expect them go from there.  Also, because of the return statement in the middle of your code, you never get to the if statement, just a FYI.

    • #77521
      Vaughn Skinner

      Does the DRIVERCTL have a FILESET?

      Here is code from a working files_out proc.  I cut out extraneous code.  This only sets the directory and leaves the filename alone.  You might be able to do something similar from the trxid proc.

      proc files_out_ld_route_minimal_out { args } {

       set dispList {}

       keylget args MODE mode                ;# Fetch mode

       switch -exact — $mode {

         start {


         run {

           keylget args MSGID mh

           set msg [msgget $mh]

           set base_outdir “/ftp/Labdaq/Cloverleaf/results_minimal”


           # set the directory name


           set driverctl [msgmetaget $mh “DRIVERCTL”]

           set fileset {}

           keylget driverctl “FILESET” fileset

           set outdir “/new/out/dir”

           # add OBDIR back into the FILESET key without clobbering any filenames that are there

           keylset fileset “OBDIR” $outdir

           keylset driverctl “FILESET” $fileset

           msgmetaset $mh DRIVERCTL $driverctl

           lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”


         time {

           # Timer-based processing


         shutdown {


         default {

           error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in fileset_numfile_out”



       return $dispList


    • #77522
      Russ Ross

      I did not take the time to look in great detail at your proc to solve all your concerns but your failed test brought to my attention a point that you may have overlooked.

      Be sure to define a route for all possible trixId possibilities or include one for static raw that kills all the messages thus acting as a catch all for trixIds that have no route defined.

      Apparently you had no route defined for the trixId=”UKNOWN_FILE_NAME” in addition to the expected TrixId value of TRICARE.

      To be consistant with the bottom half of the proc where you (set trxId “UNKNOWN”) you might consider just setting the default OBFN to UNKNOWN instead of UNKOWN_FILE_NAME.

      Russ Ross

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