I had a trxid proc that was working with a quoted comma delimited file (VRL to HL7) but one of the fields I was getting had multiple commas which threw errors in the engine. I took the file into Excel, removed the pesky field and saved as a .csv file. Now the TRXID proc fails to provide trxids.
proc SH_ENCtrxId {mh} {
set trxId {}
set data [msgget $mh]
set fld11 [lindex [split $data ,] 16]
set temp [string map {{“} {}} $fld11]
switch -exact — $temp {
“I” {set trxId “IP”}
“E” {set trxId “IP”}
“O” {set trxId “OP”}
“R” {set trxId “OP”}
return $trxId ;# return it
Any ideas from you veterans! Thanx!