We’ve used several different scripts from the QDX folks, and even on I wrote myself, but the core problem seems to be that our threads sometimes just don’t respond to the cycle/save command. Just to be specific I am talking about:
hcicmd -p $Process -c ‘$Thread save_cycle in’
hcicmd -p $Process -c ‘$Thread save_cycle out’
No matter how we fire off the script (manually, cron job, what have you) some threads just won’t cycle and we end up with 200MB+ SMAT files that you have to search via text editor since the SMAT tool freaks out on anything that large.
Now, this doesn’t seem to happen if we do each thread one at a time via command line or GUI, so I’m thinking it might be something in the automation. This seems to happen with certain threads over and over, and the do tend to be high-volume threads as well.
Has anyone else seen an issue like this?
Thanks in advance.