trimming a number

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  • Creator
  • #52701
    Kevin Crist

      i know i am missing something simple… i have tried the string range command to drop a few digits at end of a number.

      For example:

      123456201109 to 123456

      123201109 to 123

      I want to drop the 201109 at the end of the numbers, which is year/month. But the number in front can be 5,6 or 7 long and then year/month so that varies. How do i drop the last 6 digits?

      Thanks for any advice.

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    • Author
      • #75182
        James Cobane


          Try this:

          set mynum 123456201109

          set mynewnum [string range $mynum 0 end-6]

          The “end-6” will get to the position preceding the last 6 characters.

          Hope this helps

          Jim Cobane

          Henry Ford Health

        • #75183
          Kevin Crist

            wow, do i feel dumb. Worked like a charm.

            Thanks a bunch.

          • #75184
            Kirby Knight

              What is the best way in a translate pre proc to pass only the number along.

              input value: Kirby12345

              output value: 12345

            • #75185
              Kirby Knight

                I think I got it.

                regsub -all {[A-Za-zs]} $xlateInVals “” xlateOutVals

              • #75186
                Jim Kosloskey


                  xlateInVlas and xlateOutVals are lists.

                  To be absolutely safe you should use list commands when referencing those variables (Like lindex or lassign for xlateInVals or lreplace for xlateOutVals).

                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #75187
                  Kirby Knight

                    So this is what I have now.

                    regsub -all — {[A-Za-zs]} [lindex $xlateInVals 0] {} tmp; set xlateOutVals

                  • #75188
                    Charlie Bursell

                      More succiently

                      set xlateOutVals

                        } [lindex $xlateInVals 0] {}]]


                      1. #75189
                        Kirby Knight

                          Ok Charlie,

                          Can you explain to me what you are doing here?

                          It appears you are only letting numbers pass through by using d.  Is it the ^ thats the key?

                          set xlateOutVals

                            } [lindex $xlateInVals 0] {}]]

                          1. #75190
                            Charlie Bursell

                              the ^ in front of d means negate it.  It says change everything but numbers to the empty string

                            • #75191
                              Kirby Knight

                                ah ha!

                                Thanks Charlie,

                                Much cleaner and more precise.

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