Translation Configurator assistance for beginner – ITERATE Basis

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Translation Configurator assistance for beginner – ITERATE Basis

  • Creator
  • #118345
    William Kostok Jr

      I passed out of the Cloverleaf Basics class about a month ago. As part of a test project given to me by my team, I was given the task of converting all OBX.2 segments to “TX” “obx.2=TX.” I was able to get the first OBX.2 to change to TX through a regular “COPY”, though the rest remained the same. I know I need to use “ITERATE” to pass to the rest of the OBX.2 segments in the message. Iterate wasn’t covered much in the Basics class.

      I found variables listed in the Cloverleaf Help/Contents so I  understand the different variables types(%f1, %s1, %g1). I do not understand what the “Basis” should be. Can someone explain what should be contained in this field? Where to get the value? Or if I’m even doing this correctly.

      I’m new to this and as a beginner was hesitant to post on here. Please let me know if there are other places to find assistance. I can’t find any. Seems almost impossible.

      Thank you in advance!

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    • Author
      • #118348
        Boris Perov

          Hi William,

          OBX segments are usually part of a group, so you may need to do a group iterate.  Otherwise a simple segment iterate will do.

          If you check the screen capture I attached, the group or segment that allows iteration will have the option to include the Basis highlighted.  Otherwise it would be grayed out.

          Feel free to reach out if you would like to have a quick zoom meeting.

          Good luck,

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        • #118350
          Daniela Mantcheva

            Hello, this should do what you are looking for -see attached. Your Copy needs to be within an iterate on OBX. Your outbound variant is different than mine, but all you have to do in your COPY is click on OBX.2 on your outbound variant, replace the 0 in the active field with %s1, and add to destination.

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          • #118352
            William Kostok Jr

              I appreciate your replies, though neither of these are working. I tried with the group variable, and also mirroring the Basis in the ITERATE with the Segment Basis.

              Not sure what I’m doing wrong. Seems like it should be good.

              Also, where does the first 2 come from in the Outbound “Destination”?

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            • #118355
              Jim Kosloskey

                Email me and I will assist you off line.

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #118356
                Paul Bishop

                  What helps me is to take the source message and run it through the HL7 tester.  Then you can see where the repeat happens and what the basis should be.  So for example, I grabbed this result and ran it through the tester.  You can see the number incrementing after the third group, so in this case your iterate would be on the group, and the basis is on “1(0).1(0).3”.  If it was a segment iterate, the number after “OBX(” would increment instead.  Where it gets really “fun” is when you have an iterate inside of an iterate – you then need to remember to put the index variable in your basis such as “1(0).1(%g1).3”.

                  1(0).1(0).3(0).OBX(0) : >|1|ST|31208-2
                  1(0).1(0).3(1).OBX(0) : >|2|ST|95421-4
                  1(0).1(0).3(2).OBX(0) : >|3|ST|95417-2
                  1(0).1(0).3(3).OBX(0) : >|4|ST|95418-0
                  1(0).1(0).3(4).OBX(0) : >|5|ST|95419-8
                  1(0).1(0).3(5).OBX(0) : >|6|ST|77974-4
                  1(0).1(0).3(6).OBX(0) : >|7|ST|95420-6
                  1(0).1(0).3(7).OBX(0) : >|8|ST|82810-3

                  Paul Bishop
                  Carle Foundation Hospital
                  Urbana, IL

                • #118357
                  William Kostok Jr

                    Thank you to everyone that chimed in to help. Turns out, I didn’t have the “Basis” correct. And it was a group ITERATE. I did not realize what this was or where the Basis came from until it was explained to me.

                    Your responses were all correct, I just didn’t understand what they meant.

                    Resolution in the screenshot.

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