Translating for Meaningful Use?

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  • #52412
    Tim Hallbauer


      I have a general question regarding translating HL7 messages to meet meaningful use. Our HIS (Cerner) sends out transactions in HL7 2.3. In order to meet meaningful use these transactions need to be in 2.3.1 or 2.5.1. Does anyone know if translating these transactions into the proper HL7 version is allowed or not? What I have read so far is as clear as mud.



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    • Author
      • #74107


          I don

        • #74108
          Jim Kosloskey


            Yes you can transform the messages into the newer structures – as long as the integrity of the data is maintained and the required data structures are deployed.

            The Meaningful Use folks fully expteced that vendors would not necessarily have deployed the proper HL/7 levels and that the providers would have the means or acquire the means to do the transformation.

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #74109
            Daniel Lee


              I just recently did this to send a 2.3 transaction from Cerner to our state public health office using the ARRA 2.5.1 implimentation guide for public health.  It was a long tedious process.  However, I didn’t find any of the data in the 2.5.1 message that I either couldn’t map with a lookup table, or hard code in the Xlate.  There’s just a lot of repeated garbage in the 2.5.1 transaction. (I think I had to hard code our hospitals OID in 15 different subfields)

              We are planning on attesting for ARRA stage 1 and we do feel like mapping the transactions is valad as we are not affecting the meaning of the data and the end transaction is 2.5.1 compliant.  Our CEO even talked to the guy that’s over meaningful use in Washington and he said we had be using a Certified EMR but didn’t have to purchage every tool that EMR used in their certification process. (Cerner has their own tool we could have purchased to send those 2.5.1 PH transactions out for a price)

              We never did move forward with implimenting the interface and have put it on hold until Oct.  ARRA stage one says you just have to complete 1 test and if it’s successful then move forward.  (how often has your first HL7 transaction to a vendor been sucessful)

            • #74110
              Bob Schmid

                Are OIDS just a thte acute care/mainfacilty level?……If i have 5 lab standalones (3 of them in acute care/hospitals) and 2 in remote standing Emergencies that are part of the acute care hospitals……woudl that be 3 OIDS or 5 OIDS ?

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