Translate X12 835 to FRL format

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Translate X12 835 to FRL format

  • Creator
  • #51751
    Sheri Schwellinger

      Hi, I am new to X12.  Has anyone ever taken an X12 transaction and translated it to a FRL?  I can run my X12 835 transaction though the testing tool for theX12 variant and I get the data but when I try to do a Xlate that has a copy of an X12 field to a FRL, the data does not copy over.   Any help you cqan provide would be great.

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    • Author
      • #71596
        Jim Kosloskey


          X12 is generally constructed of loops and levels (iterations in Cloverelaf speak). So unless you position yourself at the correct loop/level, you will not get the actual data you see in the message.

          Did the provider of the 835 give you either a Companion Guide or an Implementation Guide for the 835? This is the equivalent of an HL/7 spec. but more defined and usually more reliable.

          Such a guide will tell you which levels/loops are being used by the sender and for what purpose.

          There are many other considerations regarding X12. If you would like to chat off line, email me directly.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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