Threaded write failed: Broken pipe!

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Threaded write failed: Broken pipe!

  • Creator
  • #121163

      Hi Clovertech community,


      I am facing the following error in cloverleaf production while trying to process a message to vendor. We tested successfully in Test cloverleaf environment but encountering issues in PROD.

      Error : Threaded write failed: Broken pipe!

      Could you please provide some guidance on steps to troubleshoot this ?



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    • Author
      • #121164
        Jeff Dinsmore

          Perhaps your production max files configuration is too small.

          Jeff Dinsmore
          Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

          • #121165

              Thanks for answering Jeff. Could you also let me know the way to increase the max files configuration and if this could cause any issue with other interfaces in PROD ?

          • #121166
            Jerry Sawa

              From my experience with Broken Pipe, thread was unable to write because the connection dropped.  Make sure vendor side has the same settings in Prod as it does in Test.

              • #121169

                  Hi Jerry, Thanks for your response. Connection appears to be fine and vendor port is also reachable via telnet. However when source system sends us message that contains embedded pdf in OBX-5.5, this is getting stuck on state 11 (On OB post- TPS queue). The OB Thread status shows Broken pipe.

                  Does length of OBX-5.5 affect the interface ?

                  In Test environment the length of one such test message was 551,433. In prod environment, length is coming around 364,252 but still causing the broken pipe issue.

                  This issue was never encountered in test environment. Please help !

                • #121170
                  Jerry Sawa

                    I’ve receive base64 encoded PDF msgs larger than 10mb without issue.  So your issue may reflect back to what Jeff Dinsmore previously stated.   Unfortunately, I don’t know how to increase the size of the max files configuration.

                    Are there any other entries in your log other than the Broken Pipe entry?  You may need to increase the logging level of the thread to see if more entries are listed regarding the error that may guide you to the cause/resolution.

                  • #121172

                      Hi Jerry, There are no other entries other than broken pipe. Could you please let me know the way to increase the logging level to view other entries ? Thanks ! I appreciate your assistance

                  • #121171
                    Jeff Dinsmore

                      In our Redhat Linux, the max processes and max files are controlled by /etc/security/limits.conf

                      Jeff Dinsmore
                      Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

                      • #121182
                        Jerry Sawa

                          Not sure what type of logging configurations you have setup, but you can try Infor’s “enable_all“.  Keep in mind that this will add A LOT of entries into your log.  I only use “enable_all” for trouble shooting issues then I remove it when the issue is resolved.  There are other configurations but I don’t know if they’ll give you what you need.

                          Within the thread on the “Properties” tab, “Engine Log Configuration“.  Click list to get a listing of all Engine Log Configurations available.

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