One and All,
We have been bugging Lawson/Healthvision support recently about thread name lengths as we would like to expand our thread names beyond the current self-imposed limit of 15 characters.
Yes… hciconnstatus can be modified simply by changing its format specification for field length (a TCL proc as Charlie notes); however, the hcidbdump utility still truncates the output of thread name to 15 characters. We have built home-grown scripts and tools that depend on the accuracy of the thread name from its output (as well as from hciconnstatus).
Ok… now from Lawson/Healthcare support R & D:
At process startup, the engine uses the “site name”, “process name”, and “thread name” to create entries in the Raima database for each thread. This total length must not exceed 48 characters otherwise you get problems or corruptions in the Raima database.
And, from my old mentor of several years back on some 3.X platform, I was told (like a drill sargeant to a recruit) NEVER exceed 15 characters for a thread name because the engine may not be able to route your messages if the first 15 characters of more than one thread in the same process are identical. Never confirmed or debunked this assertion so far.
So… I would say tread carefully here until at some day in the not too distant future the Cloverleaf gurus will tell all.