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I concur and feel fortunate to have Jim Kosloskey as part of our integration team at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Thanks Jim for always being so helpful.
Jim is one of the most amazing people I’ve worked with and that covers about 40 working years.
You might think he doesn’t have much to do with how often he helps others on Clovertech and off-line.
However, that’s not the case, and I don’t know how he keeps up with everything so well it seems like he might not have much to do.
In my observation, Jim will improve anyone’s growth that is fortuante enough to work with him for very long and smart enough to listen and try his recommendations.
He certainly has pointed me in a better direction many times.
Having known Jim Kosloskey and worked with him for so many years I’m lossing count, but at least 10 years, has made a difference in my life.
Working with Jim is better than any school or training you could ever go to.
Russ Ross
I just need to join in to add my gratitude to Jim as he has helped me on more than one occasion. He has helped me get past Xlate problems big and small, with great insight and patience. So thank you!
Words cannot express the gratitude that I feel for Jim and his patience and guidance on this site. He is truly one-of-a-kind and this post was long overdue. Thanks for posting this.
I agree whole heartedly with this thread. Have spent quite a few hours with Jim on the phone fixing issues, i think he was even on vacation once, and he has always been gracious no matter how simple or noobish my question or problem was.
Thanks Jim.
Jim, has been awesome to me and never tells me no. I am so grateful and he is an incredible asset on here… Thank you for everything Jim…
I echo everyone’s sentiments on here. I only hope to be as good as Jim someday in both my Cloverleaf skills and at golf!!
We need to play soon Jim!
Tom Rioux
I echo these sentiments also.
Having reached three score years and ten years I
As another ‘grey beard’ I congratulate you on your retirement and regret not having you participate in clovertech.
It has been wonderful collaborating with you – best in all you do.
BTW my email below is always receptive to you.
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.
Congrats on your retirement!
I would also like to echo the appreciation for all the wisdom you have generously shared over the years. I hear retirement is even busier than work, but you get to do it on your own schedule. All the best to you.
- Mark Thompson
This thread is awesome, and so is Jim!
The product would not be the same without you!
Rob Abbott
Cloverleaf Emeritus
First thanks everyone but everyone who posts questions and responses on this forum and indeed the forum itself really deserve the recognition.
Rob is correct – this forum is awesome and a credit to the vendor and all of the paricipants.
Second – it is Dave Harrison who is retiring – good for him.
I am not retiring – yet.
I like what I do and intend to continue doing it as long as I am able and someone will want me.
However, I will be winding my hours down. I hope to accomplish that where I am at but if not, then somewhere else.
Now let’s all get back to work 😀
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.
He is such a wonderful help! My Hero!
This post is very kind of old and I found it as I was just looking over the forum. Jim helped me several times over the years, he even gave me a direct number to call him before. His generosity of knowledge sharing is a benchmark for this community.
Although this has been out there a while. . .
I concur, Jim is amazing. He has helped me soooo much and I can’t tell you how much it means.
When I’ve felt left out in the cold by Infor, Jim is always ready to assist.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I received an expected call from Jim to my surprise. This guy is wonderful.
Thank you Jim for sharing.
I’ve spoken with Jim over email and phone a few times, over the years; and here on the forums.
Jim is absolutely an asset to our community and I am extremely greatful for every second he has given me!
Thank you Jim!
I recently had the pleasure of working with Jim and reaching out for a question regarding an issue with a 5.8 to 6.2 Cloverleaf upgrade. Jim was gracious to share his number and expertise and help me resolve an issue related to the upgrade. I have to echo the sentiments about how helpful, hospitable and knowledgeable Jim is – a great person and a great asset to the Clovertech community.