hl7_sndr: Portnum is required and must be > 1024
Usage: hl7_sndr -r portnum -f filename
-b burstno -n nodenm -w t_delay
where: portnum – is the tcp port number to use
filename- is the filename to read data from
burstno – number trans to send before wait
nodenm – name of node to connect to
t_delay – delay in seconds between batches
hl7_rcvr: Portnum is required and should be > 1024
Usage: hl7_rcvr -p portnum -f filename -[c|a]
-e ae_freq -r ar_freq -w ack_dly -m ack_dly_type
where: portnum – is the tcp port number to use
-c|a – commit or application ack’s
filename – is the filename to store data in
ae_freq – frequency to send AE NAKs
ar_freq – frequency to send AR NAKs
ack_dly – delay in seconds before AA ACKs
ack_dly_type – HL7 msg type to delay on