Tech Bulletin: ISD_2007Q1_001 DST *Updated*

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Annoucements Technical Bulletins Tech Bulletin: ISD_2007Q1_001 DST *Updated*

  • Creator
  • #49003
    Rick Brown


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    • Author
      • #60407

          If our engine(s) does not use any Java other than the host server (e.g., Java UPOCs), is shutting down all the engines still required?

          I’m thinking that all we’d have to do is reboot the host server.

          Is that correct?

          AIX 5.2/Quovadx 5.3

          Note: We plan on doing this after our AIX team applies the OS DST patch.


        • #60408

            Hi Rick,

            we have applied the AIX OS patch already.

            Can we apply the Java update for 1.3.1 now? Why I am asking that

            to not to do the update on the DST time change A.M.



          • #60409
            Keith McLeod

              How do we verify the patch is in place?

            • #60410
              Rick Brown

                Send these inquiries to our support folks and they should be able to help you.



              • #60411
                Kevin Scantlan

                  So every one of us have to call support separately to get the answers to these questions?  It would make more sense to have someone from Quovadx answer the questions here.

                • #60412
                  Rick Brown


                    Our support folks don’t monitor these boards.  Unfortuantely these questions are unique in nature.



                  • #60413


                      Please see the attached file for the java upgrade for DST changes.



                    • #60414

                        Please note,

                        we are using AIX 5.1 and had to install ML9, plus Patches for AIX as well.

                        After rebooting, java for clgui was updated.

                        All running fine.



                      • #60415
                        Todd Lundstedt

                          We are on AIX 5.2.  We didn’t apply the -08 TL, but we did apply the changes to the /etc/environment, and reboot.  When I attempted the JRE update as Reggie did, I got the same errors he did, and one additional error.. after I pressed exit, the java GUI shut down, and a second java error was issued, and the command prompt never returned.  I had to kill -9 the java PID.  I hope it was updated correctly.. I believe it was.

                          The java -version output on the updated server matches exactly the java -version on our production server which has not yet been updated.

                        • #60416

                            Anyone have an idea why our GUIs are still one hour behind? Our AIX administrator had installed both the AIX and JRE changes and we rebooted the server. AIX does have current time. We are on AIX 5.2 and CL 5.3.2.

                            Thanks in advance, Mary.

                          • #60417
                            Keith McLeod

                              Same scenario the GUIs are still diplaying 1 hour off with EST.  All other commands appear to work fine.  The SMAT files are stamped correctly in .idx files.  The gui still displays unchanged date.  I have gone an reapplied the patch to update the jre with no success.

                              I have run both tcl and perl commands adn all appears fine behind the scenes….  Hope to hear of the fix soon.

                            • #60418

                                Keith, Thanks for the update… have you called CL Support? I’m in the process of trying to get a hold of my Administrator to verify he has followed the procedure in the Technical Bulletin for JRE. Sound like you have…

                                Thanks again, Mary.

                              • #60419
                                Keith McLeod

                                  Voicemail indicates DST issues will be handled on Monday.  It did not appear to cause any other issues.

                                • #60420
                                  Tom Patton

                                    Ours is still off also – I had an error on the original install – I reran it with NOGUI – true.  I didn’t get any errors, but yet the status display time is still wrong.

                                  • #60421
                                    Keith McLeod

                                      I also went to the IBM website for AIX to confirm.  The display indicated that the jre timezone information was up-to-date.  I have only reapplied to one of our test servers to see if I could better determine what needs to be targeted for the fix.

                                    • #60422
                                      Keith McLeod

                                        Even hciconnstatus has correct information.  Hopefully tech support will have worked on this some and provide the resolution on the clovertech forum.

                                      • #60423
                                        Michael Hertel

                                          Did you update the Java on your Windows clients? (Your PC’s?)

                                        • #60424
                                          Stephan Head

                                            We have alerts on threads that notify us when they go down.  The threads aren’t monitored from 00:00 to 01:00 for maintenance reasons.  I was paged by the alerts last night at 00:13 and the logs showed the threads were down at 23:13, instead.  We, too; have the updated version of Java and the system time is correct.

                                          • #60425

                                              Rick Brown (QDX)

                                              We have applied all necessary Java update on both Client PC’s and server (as suggested by QDX). In OS level AIX patches had been applied and rebooted.

                                              Everything works fine except the GUI sill shows an hour behind.

                                              When can we get an update on this ISSUE from QUOVADX ?



                                            • #60426
                                              Jim Doane

                                                It appears that the problem may be with the Java 1.3.1 rt.jar file in the clgui/java/lib folder on the client machines. When I check the time using the Cloverleaf version of Java loaded on my Windows machine, the time is off by an hour. When I run hcinetmonitor from the unsupported folder on the server, the times in the GUI are correct. Is there a Windows script similar to the AIX script for applying the DST patch to this file?

                                              • #60427
                                                James Cobane

                                                  I downloaded the file from, and copied the tzupdater.jar file to C:quovadxqdx5.4.1integratorclguijavabin directory on my client PC, then ran the following command from there:

                                                  java -jar tzupdater.jar -u

                                                  This seemed to resolve it; but, I’m not sure if this is what Support will be doing.  FYI, we had already installed the necessary Java updates on the servers (per the technical bulletin).  

                                                  We are running 5.4.1 on AIX 5.2.

                                                  Jim Cobane

                                                  Henry Ford Health

                                                • #60428
                                                  William Rowley

                                                    Please note that this is NOT an offical Quovadx fix – just what worked for us.

                                                    The newest version of the JRE – including the DST changes in the rt.jar file – can be downloaded from Sun:


                                                    Copying the rt.jar file from the installed JRE into the Quovadx directory and restarting the IDE fixed the displayed times.

                                                  • #60429

                                                      Hi Bill,

                                                      the URL you provided, has updates for only Winodws/Linux/Solaris.

                                                      We are on AIX.  Lets our fingers crossed till we hear from QUOVADX.



                                                    • #60430
                                                      Greg Eriksen

                                                        Since it is the local client gui that needs a patch, wouldn’t that be Windows (for most of us) rather than AIX?

                                                      • #60431

                                                          If you launch the Netmonitor on the server (AIX) using hciaccess &

                                                          you will see time displays correctly. You will have to use the Reflection or Humming bird X windows.

                                                          So the issue is on the PC in which you launch the QDX client GUI.



                                                        • #60432

                                                            My control panel on my XP workstation says I am on JAVA 2 Platform Standard Edition – Version 1.5.0_11-b03

                                                            On the Cloverleaf application under HELP ==> Client tab, I see the folllowing:

                                                            Current Platform:

                                                               Java version: 1.3.1_09

                                                                Java vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.

                                                                    OS type: Windows XP

                                                                 OS version: 5.1

                                                                    OS arch: x86

                                                            GUI Build Information:

                                                                 Version: 5.3P

                                                                    Date: Tue Feb 10 2004

                                                                    Time: 21:19:29

                                                                Platform: Windows_NT

                                                             Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.

                                                             JDK Version: 1.3

                                                            Swing Version: 1.3

                                                             RMI Version: 1.3

                                                            Where do we go now? Thanks, Mary.

                                                          • #60433
                                                            Kevin Scantlan

                                                              When I run the netmonitor from hciaccess from the command line for our production (5.2) and test (5.4.1), both have the incorrect time when doing a status report.  Running AIX 5.2 for both machines.

                                                            • #60434
                                                              Kevin Scantlan

                                                                What a mess!  

                                                                We are running AIX 5.2 .

                                                                What version of the JTZU are we supposed to be downloading?  I go to the website that is pointed to in Quovadx’s Tech Bulletin.  It has JTZU version 1.3.7a  .  I downloaded it to my workstation and unzipped it into it’s own directory (c:jtzu).  Uploaded it to AIX and then unzipping it makes no sense.  AIX has tar and a GNU zip, but those don’t seem to apply.  When I do a directory listing, I don’t get the same listing as was posted in this forum in the “Patch update for DST changes” document.  I makes me think that we’re not talking about the same version of JTSU.

                                                                We need a procedural document that needs to be more exact and fill in the blanks.

                                                                I’ll keep working on this, but the blood pressure is rising.  This could have been avoided.

                                                              • #60435
                                                                David Burks

                                                                  If you are on Cloverleaf 5.4 or 5.4.1 and your GUI thread status still shows 1 hour off that means you did not update the java on your windows client per the instructions in the technical bulletin under the section labeled Windows, Linux, HP and Solaris OS platforms.

                                                                  This is not an optional step.  For client boxes that do not have client only you do not have to setroot or setsite.  But you will have to download the tzupdater as directed in the technical bulletin and run it from your …integratorclguijavabin directory as instructed in the instructions.

                                                                  This has been tested on 3 different boxes here and worked fine on all 3.

                                                                • #60436
                                                                  Stephan Head

                                                                    See my response to thread – Thread time stampe shown wrong

                                                                  • #60437
                                                                    Kevin Scantlan

                                                                      I went to the page pointed to by the technical bulletin for Windows in order to fix my Windows client.  They only list a webpage, but do not tell you what to download.  There are 13 buttons that say “download”, but I can eliminate some of them because they say documentation.  I do not see tzupdater.jar anywhere.  Additionally the tech bulletin makes distinction in client vs. server.

                                                                    • #60438
                                                                      Bill Marsch

                                                                        We want to have instructions as to where we get the update for the following on our individual PC’s where we have the gui client.  The following directory/subdiretories needs to be updated with the java patch for DST





                                                                                  Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition

                                                                                                   Version 1.3.1



                                                                        *               Notice of New Redistribution Options                 *

                                                                        *                                                                    *

                                                                        * Beginning October 17, 2001, it is permissable to redistribute      *

                                                                        * the “javac” compiler with the Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE).    *

                                                                        * See the Sun Binary Code License and this README for terms          *

                                                                        * and conditions.  Items that have been added to the section         *

                                                                        * in this README entitled “Redistribution of Java 2 SDK files”       *

                                                                        * are:                                                               *

                                                                        *                                                                    *

                                                                        * bin/javac.exe  (Microsoft Windows)                                 *

                                                                        * bin/javac and bin/i386/native_threads/javac (Linux and Solaris IA) *

                                                                        * bin/javac and bin/sparc/native_threads/javac  (Solaris SPARC)      *

                                                                        * lib/tools.jar  (all platforms)                                     *

                                                                        *                                                                    *

                                                                        * These files include the Java 2 SDK tools classes, including        *

                                                                        * the classes for the “javac” compiler.                              *

                                                                        *                                                                    *

                                                                        * Additionally, on Microsoft Windows platforms it is now             *

                                                                        * permissible to redistribute the Java HotSpot Server VM (also       *

                                                                        * known as “C2”) with the Microsoft Windows version of the           *

                                                                        * JRE. (C2 is already included with the JREs for Linux and the       *

                                                                        * Solaris(TM) operating environment.)  Items that have been added    *

                                                                        * to the section on “Redistribution of Java 2 SDK files” are:        *      

                                                                        *                                                                    *

                                                                        * jre/bin/server/jvm.dll                                             *

                                                                        * jre/bin/server/Xusage.txt                                          *

                                                                        *                                                                    *


                                                                      • #60439

                                                                          If you follow william Rowley’s post, download the java from


                                                                          and then copy the rt.jar file to c:quovadxqdx5.3integratorclguijavalib

                                                                          the DST issue can be resolved.

                                                                          I tried with the Jim’s instruction and could not get the update.



                                                                        • #60440
                                                                          Bill Marsch

                                                                            went to and downloaded the windows version followed instructions for the down load and once I got the download I executed it and then place the install to the directory Jim mentioned here and it now works.  All is corrected.

                                                                          • #60441
                                                                            Tom Patton

                                                                              I applied the patch to my workstation, but now every time I right click status, all threads appear dead and I need to refresh the display to get the current status.

                                                                            • #60442
                                                                              Austin Adams

                                                                                We made a copy of the java folder located (usually) at C:quovadxqdx5.3integratorclguijava

                                                                                Went to the site

                                                                                and downloaded the JRE for Windoze.

                                                                                Then we installed the JRE on top of the java directory.

                                                                                Haven’t had any issues.

                                                                                Austin Adams

                                                                                St. Dominic Hospital

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