tcpconnid.ctr file purpose

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf tcpconnid.ctr file purpose

  • Creator
  • #54106
    tyler tesson

      Can someone explain what the tcpconnid.ctr file is for in the exec directory?

      We are adding another site to our  production server and the new site is missing this file, but our other live production site has it in the exec directory. When we manually failed over both sites on the clustered server, the site that was missing  tcpconnid.ctr file, the monitor daemen did not come up as expected. After we deleted the monitorShemFile and rdm.taf and ran HCISITECTL -sm it came up. Even after we brought the GUI back up, the file is still missing. Could this of caused the monitor daemen not to come up on a fail over? And what could be the reason it is missing? Thanks

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    • Author
      • #80172
        Jim Kosloskey


          I don’t recognize that file as something that comes with Cloverleaf and I cannot find any instance of a file with that name in our environment (Cloverleaf 6.0, AIX).

          Of course we don’t use EVERY Protocol supported by Cloverleaf and do not have all the add-ins so this may be part of Cloverleaf we either don’t use or do not have.

          Perhaps that is a local counter file (local to your installation).

          Maybe someone else has some thoughts??

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #80173
          James Cobane

            I see that we have a few of these files under a few sites.  I’m wondering if it has something to do with Multi-server connections (i.e. counter file for counting each time a connection is made).

            Jim Cobane

            Henry Ford Health

          • #80174
            Jim Kosloskey

              Jim and Tyler,

              Jim you got it. I just started a multiserver connection (no one connected) and the file appeared.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #80175
              James Cobane

                Thanks for the info, Jim!

              • #80176
                tyler tesson

                  Thanks for the help.

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