TCL to remove 01 characters

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Tcl Library TCL to remove 01 characters

  • Creator
  • #53629

      I need help removing the “01” from ORC-2.  


      proc xltPlaceOrderNum {} {

         upvar xlateId       xlateId

       xlateInList   xlateInList

       xlateInTypes  xlateInTypes

       xlateInVals   xlateInVals

       xlateOutList  xlateOutList

       xlateOutTypes xlateOutTypes

       xlateOutVals  xlateOutVals


      set OrderNum [cequal [crange $xlateInVals 7] 7]

      set xlateOutVals $OrderNum



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    • Author
      • #78347
        Charlie Bursell

          Which “01”  there are two of them.  Is it always in the same place?

        • #78348


            thanks for your posting.  I was over thing it to much but I did forget out to be something like this

            set OrderNum [lindex $xlateInVals 0]

            set newOrderNum [string range $OrderNum 0 [expr [string length $OrderNum] – 3]]

            set xlateOutVals {}

            lappend xlateOutVals $newOrderNum

            this does do the job.  thanks again

          • #78349
            Charlie Bursell

              A little too much work  ðŸ˜€

              set OrderNum [lindex $xlateInVals 0]

              set newOrderNum [string range $OrderNum 0 end-3]

              set xlateOutVals

                Or if you are into LEGO commands

                set xlateOutVals

                  0 end-3]]

              • #78350

                  Cannot get it to look at OBR works good on PV1?


                  # Name:        select_pv1_17_obr_16                                           #

                  # Purpose: This proc determines if the message contains                           #

                  # one of the Doctors in the table.                             #

                  # If the message matches the criteria, it is passed;           #

                  # ELSE the message is killed.                                  #

                  # Table is entered as an argument.                             #

                  #                                                                                 #

                  # Written by:                                                        #

                  #    Micro Star                                                 #

                  # Date:    05/01/2012                                                         #


                  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #  Changes  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

                  #                                                                                 #

                  # Date Comments      Changed By                                   #

                  #                                                                                 #

                  # UPoC type: tps                                                          #

                  # Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:                           #

                  #       MODE    run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)                            #

                  #       MSGID   message handle                                                 #

                  #       ARGS    none                                                           #

                  #                                                                           #

                  #                                                                                 #

                  # Returns: tps disposition list:                                                  #

                  #                                                #


                  proc select_pv1_17_obr_16 { args } {

                     keylget args MODE mode               ;# Fetch mode

                     set dispList {}

                     switch -exact — $mode {

                         start {

                             # Perform special init functions


                         run {


                  #          Hard Code                                                              #


                           set segment1 “PV1”

                           set segment2 “OBR”

                  keylget args MSGID mh

                  keylget args ARGS arg_tbl

                     set msg [msgget $mh]

                     set segmentList [split $msg “r”]

                     set fieldSeparator [crange $msg 3 3]

                     set subfieldSeparator [crange $msg 4 4]

                     set DocTable $arg_tbl

                         set header [lrange [split $msg “r”] 0 1]

                         set msh [split [lindex $header 0] $fieldSeparator]

                  foreach seg [split $msg “r”] {

                  set segID [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 0]

                    if { [cequal $segID “PV1”]} {

                     #set ptclass [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 2]

                     # set pttype [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 10]

                               set doctest_fld [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 17]

                               set doctest [lindex [split $doctest_fld $subfieldSeparator] 0]



                       foreach seg [split $msg “r”] {

                  set segID [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 0]

                    if { [cequal $segID “OBR”]} {

                               set dr_number [lindex [split $seg $fieldSeparator] 16]



                  echo docnums:$doctest

                  echo segment1:$segment1

                  echo segment2:$segment2


                  # If doctor number matches one of the entries in the argument table               #

                  #     set match to yes, so the pass flag will be set to Yes                       #


                  set match “N”

                           set match [tbllookup $DocTable $doctest]


                           if {[cequal $segment1 “PV1”]} {

                  if {$match != “N”} {

                        lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

                  echo PV1 CONTINE message:$mh

                      } else {

                           if {[cequal $segment2 “OBR”]} {

                  if {$match != “N”} {

                        lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

                  echo OBR CONTINE message:$mh

                      } else {

                          lappend dispList “KILL $mh”

                  echo OBR Kill message:$mh





                  echo mh:$mh


                            return $dispList


                        shutdown {




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