I have read a post previously in regards to calling a tcl script within the cronjob, and I followed the suggestions carefully but am still getting errors when I run the code from the command line.
After the mofications to the script I am now getting the error:
can’t read “0”: no such variable
while executing
“exec hcitcl “$0” “$@” “
(file “billing_dupfilecheck.tcl” line 20)
Here is the code snippet:
# this line to escape the next line from the tcl interpreter
exec hcitcl “$0” “$@”
proc billing_dupfilecheck { args } {
I also just wrote a script without the proc and then I get the error “0403-006 Execute permission denied”
Here is the script without the proc:
# this line to escape the next line from the tcl interpreter
exec hcitcl “$0” “$@”
set dir /hci/quovadx/qdx5.5/integrator/testdev/FTP/EOB/OUT/
set hold_dir /hci/quovadx/qdx5.5/integrator/testdev/FTP/EOB/HOLD/Files/
set out_dir /hci/quovadx/qdx5.5/integrator/testdev/FTP/EOB/DUP/
Any suggestions?