Tcl script to split ORU message after each OBR

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Tcl script to split ORU message after each OBR

  • Creator
  • #115911
    Timothy O’Donnell

      Good afternoon. I have a vendor who can only accept an ORU if it has one OBR with corresponding OBXs. Our Nursing Assessment ORUs have multiple OBRs with corresponding OBXs, not always the same amount of OBXs to OBRs.

      Right now I’m able to pull the “base HL7” out and I can pull each individual OBR but I’m having trouble getting the corresponding OBXs and then putting everything together into their own messages. Right now my tcl is a mess so any help would be appreciated.

      run {
      # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it

      keylget args MSGID mh

      set msg [msgget $mh]
      set segList [split $msg “\r”]

      set dispList

      set obrLoc [lsearch -regexp $segList {^OBR}]
      incr obrLoc -1

      set baseHL7 [lrange $segList 0 $obrLoc]
      #echo “$baseHL7”

      foreach loc [lsearch -all -regexp $segList {^OBR}] {
      set OBR [lindex $segList $loc]
      echo “$loc”
      set newMsg [lappend baseHL7 $OBR]
      echo “$OBR”

      foreach loc [lsearch -all -regexp $segList {^OBX}] {
      set OBX [lindex $segList $loc]
      echo “$loc”
      echo “$OBX”

      set OBXloc $loc
      incr OBXloc
      # echo “$OBXloc”

      set OBX [lindex $segList $OBXloc]
      #echo “$OBX”

      while {[regexp {^OBX} $OBX]} {
      set newMsg [lappend newMsg $OBX]
      incr OBXloc
      set OBX [lindex $segList $OBXloc]
      #echo “$OBX”
      #echo “$newMsg”

      #msgset $mh [join $newMsg “\r”]
      #lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

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    • Author
      • #115915
        Jim Kosloskey

          Is there a reason you are not using an Xate? This can be accomplished easily using Xlate.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #115916
            Timothy O’Donnell

              I don’t specifically need to do it via tcl but wanted it to have this tcl and another for iterating OBX.5 as pre-proc tcls.

              Is it not feasible in tcl or just easier as an xlate? At this point, I’d be fine with either.

          • #115920
            David Barr

              This might work. I haven’t tested it.

              run {
              # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it

              keylget args MSGID mh

              set msg [msgget $mh]
              # split the segments into a list. trailing \r adds an empty element
              # which we remove here.
              set segList [lsearch -inline -all -exact -not [split $msg “\r”] ""]
              set outSegs {}

              set dispList {}

              # put all segments up to the first OBR in outSegs
              for { set segNum 0 } { $segNum < [llength $segList] } { incr segNum } {
              set seg [lindex $segList $segNum]
              if { [regexp {^OBR} $seg] } {
              lappend outSegs $seg
              set outSegs2 $outSegs
              # process each OBR group and add them to a copy of outSegs
              for { incr segNum} { $segNum < [llength $segList] } { incr segNum } {
              lappend outSegs2 $seg
              set seg [lindex $segList $segNum]
              if { [regexp {^OBR} $seg] } {
              # start a new message
              msgset $mh "[join $outSegs2 \r]\r"
              lappend dispList "CONTINUE $mh"
              set mh [msgcopy $mh]
              set outSegs2 $outSegs
              # add the last message to dispList
              lappend outSegs2 $seg
              msgset $mh "[join $outSegs2 \r]\r"
              lappend dispList "CONTINUE $mh"

              • #115936
                Timothy O’Donnell


                  The script almost worked! – it split up the message into one new one for each OBR but it copied the same OBXs from the first OBR/OBX iteration to all the rest. So I’m trying to figure out the code for the OBXs that correspond to the OBRs which I assume is similar to this code but using OBX?

                  if { [regexp {^OBR} $seg] } {
                  # start a new message
                  msgset $mh “[join $outSegs2 \r]\r”
                  lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
                  set mh [msgcopy $mh]
                  set outSegs2 $outSegs



                • #115941
                  David Barr

                    I tested my code, and I didn’t have the OBX problem that you mention. Do you have a sample message I could try that demonstrates the problem?

                    My code doesn’t look for OBXs. I look for OBRs and use those to determine when I need to start a new message and I keep all segments from one OBR to the next one in the same message as the first OBR.

                  • #115952
                    Timothy O’Donnell


                      It worked actually, I was using a bad example message where each OBR has the exact same OBXs so it looked like it was copying wrong – I used a few different messages and it worked as expected!


                  • #115924
                    Jim Kosloskey

                      To me it is much easier to do in an Xlate (along with all the other work needed).

                      There is no reason it cannot be done in Tcl – I just can’t help you with that.

                      email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                      • #115935
                        Timothy O’Donnell

                          I’m OK using an xlate – I’m trying it myself now but not having any luck. I’ve got my personal counter, I’ve got my CONTINUE outside the iterations of OBR and OBX, but I can’t get separate messages. Any help would be appreciated.

                      • #115939
                        Jim Kosloskey

                          I can assist if you like. email me and we will work on this off-line.

                          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                          • #115951
                            Timothy O’Donnell


                              I’m reaching out by email now. Thank you!


                            • #115996
                              Timothy O’Donnell

                                Thanks to Jim for helping with the solution. Thought I would post it here for anyone searching for this in the future. Below is dependent on your HL7 variant so adjust as needed:

                                SUPPRESS (kill original message)

                                PATHCOPY other segments as needed

                                ITERATE on group %g1

                                PATHCOPY 1(0).1(%g1).OBR(0) -> 1(0).1(0).OBR(0)

                                ITERATE on segment %s1

                                PATHCOPY 1(0).1(%g1).OBX(%s1) -> 1(0).1(0).OBX(%s1)


                                ITERATE on segment %s2

                                PATHCOPY @null -> 1(0)1(0).OBX(%s2)

                                This will give you one OBR per message and the corresponding OBXs.

                                Hope this helps and Jim, thank you again!


                            • #115947
                              Charlie Bursell

                                Are there only OBX segments after the OBR segments.?   If so it is simple to remove the OBR segments – all but the first

                                set segList [split $msg \r]

                                # Get OBR locations in reverse order

                                set locList [lsort -integer -decreasing [lsearch -all -regexp $segList {^OBR}]]

                                # Remove last loc in list, which is first in segList

                                lvarpop locList end

                                # Now simply remove OBR segments.  Note reverse order so as not to skew locations in the list

                                foreach loc $locList {set segList [lreplace $segList $loc $loc]}

                                msgset $msh [join $segList \r}

                                # Note you must leave the last empty segment in the list so after the join the last segment (as required) is terminated with a CR

                                You could add additional code after the above to renumber OBX segments (OBX.1) if desired

                                I hope I did not fat-finger anything 🙂

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