tcl script to remove \.br\

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf tcl script to remove \.br\

  • Creator
  • #115732
    Alison Benecchi

      I’m looking for a tcl script to remove the \.br\ and replace with a space in RXE7-1 but having problems with my script.  Looking for suggestions.

      Here it is:

      set RXE7_1 [getField $msg RXE7_1]
      set Br “\.br\””
      puts $Br

      if {[cequal $RXE7_1 $Br]} {
      set msg [setField $RXE7_1 $msg RXE7]
      regsub -all {“\.br\”} $RXE7_1 { } RXE7_1
      # lreplace $RXE.7 “\.br\” ” ”



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    • Author
      • #115734
        Vince Angulo

          Try an extra set of back slashes:  I use this statement to replace line breaks in entire segments:


          regsub -all — {\\.br\\} $segid { } newseg

        • #115735
          Tipu Razaq

            we’ve done this in an xlate:


            lset xlateOutVals 0 [regsub -all — {\\.br\\} [lindex $xlateInVals 0] ” “];


            Perhaps you just have to escape the \ like so, remove the quotes, use ” ” for the space:


            regsub -all {\\.br\\} $RXE7_1 ” ” RXE7_1

          • #115741
            Jim Kosloskey

              If your release has the STRING Action you can use that I think.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #115758
              David Barr

                Technically, you should say {\\\.br\\} so that the period will be a literal period rather than a special character. The pattern {\\.br\\} will also match \xbr\. You might be better off using “string map” for this replacement since it doesn’t need any special expression.

              • #115767
                Charlie Bursell

                  I agree with Jim.  Use <code class=”ph codeph”>xlateStrMap ?nocase? mapping</code>

                  Same use as the string map command in Tcl

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