TCL script

  • Creator
  • #55613
    Albert Sinha

      I am trying to change the MSH-4 to the value in the value 555011749

      I created the following script it is not working.  Help

      # Fix HEADER Albert

      proc tpsFixQuantros { args } {

         keylget args MODE mode   ;# Fetch mode

         set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return

         switch -exact — $mode {

             start {

                 # Perform special init functions

                 # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args


             run {


                 # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it

                 keylget args MSGID mh

                 #get the current message

                 set msg [msgget $mh]

                 set msg [replaceHL7Field $msg “MSH” “3” “555011749”]  

                 msgset $mh $msg


                 # Continue the message

                 lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”   ;#continue the message



             time {

                 # Timer-based processing

                 # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args


             shutdown {

                 # Doing some clean-up work


             default {

                 error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in tpsFixQuantros”



         return $dispList


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    • Author
      • #85892
        Jason Puskar


             Quick question, why not do this in an xlate?  Seems straight forward enough to do it there no?


        • #85893
          Albert Sinha

            Everything else is in script in the facility, so I did not want to break the norm and create a xlate.

          • #85894
            Michael Hertel

              This proc looks good to me.

              I don’t use replaceHL7Field so I don’t know if there is a syntax issue there.

              One thing you could try though is getting rid of the comments on the same line as commands in your run statement. Put them on their own line.

              There was an issue with this in the past.

              i.e., change:

              lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

            • #85895
              Steve Williams

                Hi Albert,

                I’ve never liked the genericHL7 tcl procs script as they contain bad coding practices that can give wrong results, just not work, or even more fun, toss errors. To use those procs, you really need to open them up and read them to understand their weaknesses.

                For example, your code works just fine when I tested it with an A07 message using the Vertical Pipe (|) as the field separator.



                When I ran it with another message using a different character for field separation, then script generates the following error:


                [0:TEST] Tcl error:
                msgId = message0
                proc = ‘tpsFixQuantros’
                args = ”
                result = ‘list doesn’t contain element 3’
                errorInfo: ‘
                list doesn’t contain element 3
                   while executing
                “lreplace $fieldList $fieldID $fieldID $data”
                   (procedure “replaceHL7Field” line 8)
                   invoked from within
                “replaceHL7Field $msg “MSH” “3” “555011749””
                   (procedure “tpsFixQuantros” line 18)
                   invoked from within
                “tpsFixQuantros {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT sms_ib_data} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘

                Feel free to PM me if you want to dig deeper into this issue.

              • #85896
                Albert Sinha

                  I will try that

                  Thanks again

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