TCL proc to read specific file names?

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Tcl Library TCL proc to read specific file names?

  • Creator
  • #55566
    raj golawar

      HI folks, still very new to TCL

      On CL6.2, I am using a fileset-ftp protocol to pickup files from a remote folder. The files dropped in that folder by our EMR are by name Patient_* and Provider_*

      I am looking for a script that would read that folder and only pickup the Patient_* files as they arrive.

      Any suggestions?


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    • Author
      • #85776
        Jim Kosloskey

          You can write a dirparse proc.

          In the Fileset protocol configuration there is an opportunity to invoke a Tcl proc after the protocol collects the name of the files found in the specified directory but prior to processing them.

          Your proc would receive the list of files as a Tcl list (there are some other considerations if you want a list of files with attributes). You can then modify that list and return only those file names (as a list) which you want Cloverleaf to process.

          I have a dirparse proc and a delete proc (for the File Deletion UPoC of the Fileset Protocol) and a package used by both procs to actually manipulate the lists.

          If you want them and their user doc and you know how to build a pkgIndex email me and I will send them to you.

          They are argument driven and could very well accomplish what you need without any modification.

          email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

        • #85777
          Charlie Bursell

            Look at $HCIROOT/contrib/fileset_dir_parse.tcl  for an example

          • #85778
            Sterling Jones

              Hi Raj,

              What I have configured is I wrote a simple TCL script like this:


              proc ftp_dir_parse_pattern_[SOMETHING HERE]_ib { args } {

                 global HciConnName HciSiteDir

                 set module “ftp_dir_parse_pattern/$HciConnName”

                 keylget args MODE mode

                 set dispList {}

                 switch -exact — $mode {

                     start {}

                     run {


                         set uargs {}; keylget args ARGS uargs

                         set debug 1

                         set today [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y%m%d}]

                         set pattern “Patient_$today.txt”

                         catch {keylget uargs PATTERN pattern}

                         set outList {}

                         set dispList {}

                         if {$debug} {puts “DEBUG: $module: pattern: $pattern”}


                         keylget args MSGID mh

                         set fileList [msgget $mh]

                         set outList {}


                         foreach fileName $fileList {

                             if {[regexp $pattern $fileName]} {

                                 #echo ” FOUND A FILE”

                                 if {$debug} {puts “DEBUG: $module: fileName: $fileName”}

                                 lappend outList $fileName



                         if {$debug} {puts “DEBUG: $module: outList: $outList”}

                         msgset $mh $outList

                         lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”


                     time {

                          echo ” ################## IN PROC:  TIME MODE ###############################”


                     shutdown {}

                     default {}


                 return $dispList



              Then, put the newly created tcl in the “Directory Parse:” section of the TPS in the Inbound area. Hope this helps

            • #85779
              raj golawar

                Thanks for the prompt help guys, really helped!

                You rock 🙂

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