TCL Learning

  • Creator
  • #54300
    Collin Praster

    I am complete new to TCL and I was wondering if any one knew of some training for a begginer with no experience at all.  Cloverleaf focused if possible!

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  • Author
    • #80924
      Jim Kosloskey

      Contact your Account Representative – Infor has a Tcl class and I believe it is Cloverleaf centric – then Intermediate (used to be Level 2) training builds on that foundation.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #80925
      Jeff Dinsmore

      If you have a programming background, Tcl should be pretty simple to pick up.  If not, you have some more learning to do.

      Below are some online Tcl resources.

      I’d recommend you download ActiveTcl to your local PC and play with it there.  Cloverleaf may have some extensions that the stock ActiveTcl install does not – and vice-versa – but it will be close enough to learn Tcl basics.  Be sure to install the same version you’re running in Cloverleaf.

      If you have the time/funding, consider attending a Cloverleaf-specific Tcl class.

      The Tcl Developer site

      <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

      Learning Tcl from the Tclers Wiki

      <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

      Tcl discussion forums

      <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

      ActiveState’s ActiveTcl

      <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

      Jeff Dinsmore
      Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

    • #80926
      Brandon Grudt

      The best thing you can do is tinker.  At least, that was the best way for me to learn.  I’m better with hands-on type things.  A few tips:

      – The testing tool in Cloverleaf is your best friend.  Save a test message as a txt file, and use the TPS testing tool.  Send it to the proc hcitpstestshowbydisp.  The result will show you both the output and disposition of the message, as well as any echoes that you put in your script.

      – Speaking of the testing tool, reverse engineering your current tps scripts will help you understand the function of a tps script.  Play with them, comment things out, echo variables to see what they are.  Just make sure not to overwrite any functional scripts that are currently in use in your environment.  Obviously, that would be a very bad thing…

      – Google is also your friend.  Prefix your search with “tcl” and you will typically find the exact thing you need.  Ideas would be “tcl get item from list” or “tcl search for string.”

      – The Intermediate Cloverleaf class will help you a lot, but my opinion is that you should be fairly competent with tcl before you enroll.  If you already have that foundation, you will learn a lot of cool tricks.  If you don’t have a decent understanding of tcl, you may lose a lot of the concepts as soon as you leave the training.

    • #80927
      Keith McLeod

      Another possibility is to make use of the for_file command when using a newline delimited source file.

    • #80928
      Troy Morton

      I have a Tcl CBT that I think was given to me by the instructor of my Cloverleaf Level II class back in the early 2000s.

    • #80929
      Charlie Bursell

      The operative question here is “What is your programming background?”

      If you have a pretty good background in some other languages then Tcl should be easy to learn using some of the resources already stated.  Otherwise it could be hard and you may need some basic programming training.

      One of my biggest problems when I was teach Tcl is that people would show up with no programming background at all.  I would always tell them that I can teach Tcl in a week but I cannot teach programming in a week.  I think I was a sophomore in college before I could write a decent “Hello World!” program  ðŸ˜€

    • #80930
      Terry Kellum

      I have two bibles above my desk.  One is the original, and the other was written by Brent B Welch (Fourth Edition).

      (I like paper books…  ðŸ˜‰ )

    • #80931
      James Cobane

      Another good book is “Tcl/Tk – A Developer’s Guide” by Clif Flynt.  Interestingly, I only paid about $20 for it new from Amazon, but I see now it has gotten a bit more expensive ($50-$60)…

      Jim Cobane

      Henry Ford Health

    • #80932

      I highly recommend this tcl tutorial. I will get you ready for the Intermediate class.

      -- Max Drown (Infor)

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