Don’t set the variable when you do lappend.
How are you handling re-numbering the set-id in the OBX segments? You will need to add code to renumber in situations where you remove an OBX. I typically use a Tcl variable and incr it for each OBX. If I receive a segment other than OBX after an OBX I reset the variable back to 1.
I tried to mock up the code to do what you need. It should get you headed the right direction at least.
set Fld_Sep [cindex $msg 3]; # Field Separator “|”
set Com_Sep [cindex $msg 4]; # Component Separator “^”
set Rep_Sep [cindex $msg 5]; # Repetition Separator “~”
set Esc_Chr [cindex $msg 6]; # Escape Character “”
set Sub_Sep [cindex $msg 7]; # Subcomponent Separator “&”
set Seg_List [split $msg r]
set New_Seg_List “”
set obx_cnt 1
foreach Segment $Seg_List {
set Seg_ID [crange $Segment 0 2]
if { ($Seg_ID == “OBX”) } {
set Field_List [split $Segment $Fld_Sep]
set Result_Value [lindex $Field_List 5]
if { ! ([regexp “^ *$” $Result_Value]) } {
# Reverse the if logic to only do something if it isn’t true.
set splitSegment [lreplace $Field_List 1 1 $obx_cnt]
lappend New_Seg_List [join $splitSegment $Fld_Sep]
incr obx_cnt
} else {
set obx_cnt 1
set msg [join $New_Seg_List r]
# Replace message with new one created.
msgset $mh $msg