Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf TCL HELP PLEASE – REMOVE OBX SEGMENT

  • Creator
  • #54654
    Femina Jaffer

      Can anyone please help?

      I have already written code to remove OBX segment if OBX 5 has the value “SUPRESSED”, and then resequence the OBXs.  The problem is that after it removes the segment it replaces it with a blank line, then adds the next segment after the blank line.  What did I do wrong in the code where it is placing a blank segment in place of the suppresed segment?

      Here is the output after the segment was removed:



                   BLANK LINE


      All 3 segments should be together.  The code is below.

                   set New_Seg_List “”

                   set obx_cnt 1

                   foreach Segment $Seg_List {

                   set Seg_ID [crange $Segment 0 2]

                   if { ($Seg_ID == “OBX”) } {

                         set Field_List [split $Segment $Fld_Sep]

                         set Result_Value [lindex $Field_List 5]

                   if {$Result_Value ==”SUPRESSED” } {

                             set Segment “”

                             incr obx_cnt -1


                       set Segment [replaceHL7Field $Segment OBX 1 $obx_cnt]

                       incr obx_cnt


                   set New_Seg_List [lappend New_Seg_List $Segment]

                   set msg [join $New_Seg_List r]

                   #  Replace message with new one created.

                    msgset $mh $msg



      # Assume change was made

      #msgset $mh [join $segments r]


      return “{CONTINUE $mh}”


             time {

                 # Timer-based processing

         # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args


      shutdown {

         # Doing some clean-up work


             default {

         error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in OBX Suppress”



         return $dispList


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    • Author
      • #82437
        Charlie Bursell

          I think I have mentioned this many times but if you want to delete segments it is best to traverse the list in reverse order so you maintain order of the remaining segments

          You are jumping through too many hoops.  No need to tear down and rebuild.

          set locList [lsort -integer -decreasing [lsearch -all -regexp $segments {^OBX}]

          foreach loc $locList {

               set flds [split [lindex $segments $loc] $fldSep]

               if {[string toupper [lindex $flds 5]] eq “SUPRESSED”} {

                     lvarpop segments $loc



          msgset $mh [join $segments r]

          return “{CONTINUE $mh}”

        • #82438
          Femina Jaffer

            Thanks Charlie, never thought about this or writing the code this way.  It definitely is cleaner.

            I am now having the problem with the sequencing, and that is why I had written this the other way previously (above code).

            The OUTPUT now after removing the OBX that contains the “SUPRESSED” in OBX 5, looks like this:



            OBX|15|CE|CNOT^Ur Culture RflxOrder^CNOT^L^|1|

            Desired output hould look like this …



            OBX|14|CE|CNOT^Ur Culture RflxOrder^CNOT^L^|1|

            As we removed OBX 14 (Supressed).

            Here is the code I changed as per your suggestion:

                        set Seg_List [split $msg r]

                        set locList [lsort -integer -decreasing [lsearch -all -regexp $Seg_List {^OBX}]]

              foreach loc $locList {

                    set flds [split [lindex $Seg_List $loc] $fldsep]

                    if {[string toupper [lindex $flds 5]] eq “SUPRESSED”} {

                            lvarpop Seg_List $loc



                        msgset $mh [join $Seg_List r]

                        return “{CONTINUE $mh}”

          • #82439
            Charlie Bursell

              You could do some fancy stuff within the loop I sent you but, unless you have a unique requirement for speed, for maimtainability, use two loops

              set changed 0

              foreach loc $locList {

                   set flds [split [lindex $segments $loc] $fldSep]

                   if {[string toupper [lindex $flds 5]] eq “SUPRESSED”} {

                          incr changed

                          lvarpop segments $loc



              # If changed, renumber  No need to do in reverse this time

              if {$changed} {

                 set num 1

                 foreach loc [lsearch -all -regexp $segments {^OBX}] {

                          set flds [split [lindex $segments $loc] $fldSep]

                          set flds [lreplace $flds 1 1 $num]

                          incr num

                          set segments [lreplace $segments $loc $loc [join $flds $fldSep]]



            • #82440
              David Barr

                You could write it like this:


                package require hl7
                set hl7 [hl7::parse_msg [msgget $mh]]
                for { set i 1 } { $i <= [hl7::count hl7 OBX] } { incr i } {
                 if { [hl7::get_field hl7 OBX($i).5] eq "SUPRESSED" } {
                   delete_seg hl7 OBX($i)
                   incr i -1
                 } else {
                   hl7::set_field hl7 OBX($i).1 $i
                msgset $mh [hl7::join_msg hl7]

                See this thread for more information:

                <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

              • #82441
                Femina Jaffer

                  Thank you Charlie for always coming to the rescue.  That did the trick.

                  Thank you too David!  I like the code you provided and will try to utilize it in the future; however, I was having some issues understanding it.  I will review the link you have to better understand this.  Would I just apply the snippet/fragment to the hl7.tcl code section – do I need that entire code or just the piece you provided?

                • #82442
                  Lee Anne Caruso

                    Where is the package hl7 that is mentioned in this post to delete an OBX segment.

                    Thank you.

                  • #82443
                    David Barr
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