run mkpkgindex in the tclprocs/lib directory
Then in your proc, probably in start mode
package require tclMail
you will need code similar to the below. Remember mail is an array
# mailTo – Send e-mail
# Call tclMail by setting up array as follows
# Key R/O/C Contents
# TO R Mail to Address
# MSG R Mail message
# SUBJ R Mail Subject
# AUTH O Type Authorization Require
# NAME C Login Name
# PASS C Password
# PORT O Mail Port to use (Default 25)
# SERVER R SMTP Server address
# DOMAIN R Mail domain
# USER R Mail address of Authorized user
# FROM O Mail From address (def CLOVERLEAF)
# Change array parameters as required.
# It is assumed this routine is called with all needed array elements
# set except for the mail message and TO: address(s)
# The message is passed as a string
proc mailTo {msg} {
variable procName ;# Procedure name
variable mail ;# The mail array
variable toADDRESS ;# Send to addresese
set mail(MSG) $msg
# If not connecting to MS Exchange server, remove EHLO as arg
if {[catch {set err [tclMail::SendMail mail EHLO]} bad]} {
set err $bad
if {$err ne “”} {
echo n$procName: Error sending mail to: $mail(TO)
echo nMessage is: $msgnnError is: $errn
return “”