Turning on DEBUG and VERBOSE I’m getting this error (only the last line contains the error message from the FTP package).
18/06/06 14:17:24.535 ftp_get_list.tcl debug enabled
18/06/06 14:17:24.535 ftp_get_list.tcl pathfr: /IntfBackups/temp
18/06/06 14:17:24.535 ftp_get_list.tcl pathto: /testfiles/inbound/datax
18/06/06 14:17:24.535 ftp_get_list.tcl listfile: /testfiles/scripts/list/soarian_to_crouse_extracts_list.txt
18/06/06 14:17:24.551 ftp_get_list.tcl local dir /home/hci
18/06/06 14:17:24.552 ftp_get_list.tcl local cd completed
18/06/06 14:17:24.571 ftp_get_list.tcl local dir /testfiles/inbound/datax
18/06/06 14:17:24.575 ftp_get_list.tcl start ftp connect to CrouseFTP
18/06/06 14:17:24.587 ftp_get_list.tcl ftp connect completed
18/06/06 14:17:24.588 ftp_get_list.tcl ftp set type binary completed
18/06/06 14:17:24.589 ftp_get_list.tcl ftp cd completed
18/06/06 14:17:24.589 ftp_get_list.tcl ftp pwd = /IntfBackups/temp
18/06/06 14:17:24.708 ftp_get_list.tcl ftp dir = {04-24-18 01:06PM
The error message about permission denied is misleading. I do have permission. Using the same credentials, I can use the native AIX ftp client to connect, Cd and get that file with no problems.
I have also tried both active and passive mode. I have noticed that when I manually use the AIX client, the responses I get back from the Windows FTP server seem different that what I remember from the previous version, specifically this line:
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
Infor does not support this package but will supply assistance if we purchase services. My understanding is that this is open source and seems to be ‘out there’ on the internet in several places, although I have not yet found a lot of discussion on the low-level socket programming. Its really too deep for me to understand. I’m looking for others encountering the same issue.
Peter Heggie