Tcl error

  • Creator
  • #51743
    Kamal Bahrani


      I’m getting these 2 different errors:

      1. Tcl failure in SendOK TPS (402)

      2. Tcl failure in IB data TPS (201)

      They are logged into error database and the message is successfully sent to outbound also. I’m not using any custom tcl procs.

      Appreciate if anyone can tell me what could be the cause and how it got fixed, if they have seen it in their environment.


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    • Author
      • #71532
        Jim Kosloskey


          Have you looked in the process log to see what additional information is there (there should be some clarification).

          I am guessing you have somehting stacked at those 2 UPoCs and the log should tell you which proc by name is failing..

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #71533
          Kamal Bahrani


            Thanks for the response. Unfortuantely I dont have logs saved. I believe the message is coming from one of the internal procs that CLoverleaf uses. I’m just using the validate_hl7ack proc. I have ‘save_ob_msg’ proc configured for “Send OK Procs” settings for the outbound. Do you think it could have soemthing to do.


          • #71534
            Jim Kosloskey


              Logging is always on so I don’t know what you mean about not having the logs saved. maybe you have some sort of cycling going on and sufficient time has passed since the recognized situation such that the log has cycled out of retrieval.

              If this is happening with each message, then there will be entries in the log (more than you probably want to read).

              If this is happening only with some messages, then you will need to monitor the error db and when an entry occurs, look in the log quickly.

              I would be suspicious of any procs defined on the thread no matter where you got them from.

              The log should tell you which Tcl proc is throwing the error.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #71535
              Kamal Bahrani

                yes its not happening with every message and last happened was sometime back. I’ll have to monitor the db and check the logs qucikly.


              • #71536
                Michael Hertel


                  The logs are in your process directory.


                • #71537
                  Kamal Bahrani


                    This is what I see in the logs:

                    [pdl :PDL :ERR /0:  hms_adt_out:05/06/2010 18:49:34] read failed: Connection timed out

                    [pdl :PDL :ERR /0:  hms_adt_out:05/06/2010 18:49:34] read returned error 110 (Connection timed out)

                    [pdl :PDL :ERR /0:  hms_adt_out:05/06/2010 18:49:34] PDL signaled exception: code 1, msg device error (remote side probably shut down)

                    (SAVE_OB_MSG/hms_adt_out) (SAVE_OB_MSG/hms_adt_out) FATAL ERROR! Attempt to save over message ‘message0’ with message ‘message1’

                    msgState          : OB delivered OK (14)

                  • #71538
                    Abe Rastkar


                      The error that you have listed is caused when the global variable containing your state 14 message is not empty when the engine is trying to store the next message sent in the same variable. The message is sent successfully because this happens in the SEND_OK UPoC. It will put y our message in the error database.

                      The errors inicating that the that the remote side of the connection was dropped may be related. But not necessarily.

                    • #71539
                      Kamal Bahrani


                        Since there is no way of controlling remote connections, is there a way to fix this error?


                      • #71540
                        Abe Rastkar

                          The contents of the variable containing the state 14 message must be cleard as soon as you receive the ACK message (the first thing).

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