Tcl Curl with cloverleaf 5.7 – sending to connect virginia

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  • Creator
  • #54248
    Margaret Cooper

    Hi! Has any one tried to send hl7 msgs to connect virginia via their url. I am trying to use TclCurl with Cloverleaf5.7 and when I send them a hl7 msg, I get the error from them  “HTTP/1.1 500 Cannot read request parameters due Invalid parameter.”  I believe this is because I am just sending the msg without a pair.  Connect Virginia says they just need the msg at the body of the POST. They do not need any pairs.   I tried with adding a pair as well and that seemed to help but then they said VDH doesn’t like it (once we send the data to connect virginia they send to VDH).Can anyone suggest something.

    Here is the chunk of my code:

    if {[catch {curl::transfer -url $url

                   -verbose 1

                   -httpheader $httpheaders

                                   -post 1

                                   -postfields “$postmessage”

                                   -bodyvar reply

                                   -headervar headers

                                   -errorbuffer err

                                   -timeout $av_timeout    

                                   -nosignal 1      

                                   -cainfo $certFile

                                   -sslcert $privKey

                                   -sslkeypasswd $passwd

                                   -sslverifypeer 0  } tclerr]} {

                   echo “ERROR – $HciConnName – $tclerr n $err”



    Meg Cooper

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  • Author
    • #80717
      Carter Harrison

      Hi Margaret,

      I’m curious to know if you were ever successful in posting transactions to ConnectVirginia?  I have developed an HTTP protocol upoc that I am using to deliver messages to another system via HTTPS however we are also receiving error #500 when attempting to upload to ConnectVirginia’s test endpoint.

    • #80718
      Yuhong Snyder

      I am getting same issue and there is not so much explanation there, wondering how you get this resolved?

      Margaret Cooper wrote:

      Hi! Has any one tried to send hl7 msgs to connect virginia via their url. I am trying to use TclCurl with Cloverleaf5.7 and when I send them a hl7 msg, I get the error from them

    • #80719
      Ted Viens

      I just tackled this same issue.  I posted the script that performs a post via HTTPS to a web site.

      The attached script is sucessful.

      I am fighting another issue now that you may encounter too.  That issue is the handling of inbound replies.  They are not making their way to inbound SMAT and I need to handle the ACK>

      I have the script set up as a UPOC.

    • #80720
      Yuhong Snyder

      I used curl directly earlier and I can get the reply


      catch {exec curl -H “Content-Type:text/plain” -H “medfx-phr-type:SYNDSURV” -H “medfx-custom-oid:xxxxxx” -H “medfx-transaction-id:${transactionID}” –DATA “$msg” –key ${CertPath}xxx.pem –cert ${CertPath}xxx.pem –cacert ${CertPath}} output

      in the output variable I can see all the acknowledgement.

      now I changed to use tclcurl package, the response is in bodyvar

      like:  $curlHandle configure -url “” -bodyvar body -noprogress 1    

      the response is in variable body

    • #80721
      Ted Viens

      Perfect.  Thanks

    • #80722
      Yuhong Snyder

      Does anybody encounter the issue to send data to vdh through https?

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