Actually by using the list I think we are OK.
input = L B1234
set xlateOutVals
[string range $input 3 end]]
Yields {L B} 1234
Which is a two element list with {L B} being the first element and 1234 being the second element.
If the sending system is populating a space in the source subfield and it is not supposed to be there and the decision is made that the Integration Engine should apply business rules then I gues one could check the resultant component built and see if it contains any spaces, then error out. But then shouldn’t the receiving system apply the business rule if it is so critical to the receiving system? Also couldn’t eroring out the message cause a situation where follow on messages arrive out of order (unless we now want the Integration Engine to remove all potential follow on messages which could cause the receiving system a problem.
I guess it depends on the philosophy to be deployed.
Most of the work I have done relies on the sending and receiving systems to apply editing and other business rules and relies on the Integration tool to get the data from the sending system to receiving systems in a timely manner, the format required, and assuring delivery.
Jim Kosloskey
email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.