tcl – Checking for files

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    • #57031
      Ayan George

        pretty easy.  lets say you have a variable called “flagFile” that contains the name of a file with a .flg extension.  you can do the following:


        set datFile “[ file rootname $flagFile ].dat”

        David Harrison wrote:


      • #57032
        David Harrison

          That pre-supposes that I know the filename but I don

        • #57033
          David Harrison

            OK I’ve worked out how to do it. In unix:

            set fname [ls /export/home/cloverleaf/capture/*.flg]

          • #57034
            Jim Kosloskey

              You could use the tcl glob command which returns a list of all entries found matching a glob pattern. I would use the nocomplain switch so that an empty set would not throw an error.

              If you are concerned that a subdirectory might match the pattern, you could then work the list using ‘file isfile’ or ‘file isdirectory’.

              Jim Kosloskey

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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