I’m attempting to do this because I have some xLates that are reused but have some minor logic differences based on site so I need to know what site I’m in.
Whnever I “echo” my variable in the testing tool, I get the correct value, but when I have it mapped to a field and call theTCL from within my xLate, it doesn’t return my value.
I have tried returning the unparsed string (which worked), so I’m thinking its a type casting issue. I tried making the xLateOutVals a list (as seen below) which didn’t seem to resolve the issue.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Sample return from showroot
HCI root is {D:xxxxxxxxxxquovadxcis5.8integrator} HCI site is test_site
The echo of my variable returns “test_site”
proc xlt_print_cloverleaf_site {} {
upvar xlateInVals xlateInVals xlateOutVals xlateOutVals xlateId xlateId
#Capture Currentroot & site
catch {exec cmd /c call showroot} currentPath
set RawString [split $currentPath]
echo $RawString
set SiteName [lindex $RawString 7]
echo $SiteName
set xlateOutVals