I have a design question for a fileset dirparse TCL procedure that will read in an entire bill charge file (newline delimited) with a batch header, transaction details, batch trailer. The fileset is configured to read these files as EOF style.
Ok… requirement is to count the transaction details and compare to the trailer count. I figure to do this in a TCL TPS IB procedure that has the entire file in memory. Basically, split the message (file) on newline and step through it to validate; if good then disposition each transaction detail with CONTINUE (copy existing message for metadata) then kill original message, No problem here other than the following:
Question: what are the variable, array size limits in TCL 8.4?
(we are currently running CIS5.6R2 on AIX5.3 TL11). In browsing the web and this forum I have come up empty. I am concerned about exceeding the variable size limitations in the TCL interpreter.
Thanks for your responses – in the meantime, I will test this using the Edison method, that is, feed my TCL procedure huge files and see if it crashes.