symbolic links in site

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  • Creator
  • #48086
    William Grow


       During some discussions concerning site architecture, we decided that we may want to try to split a new environment into multiple sites.  To increase the manageability of these seperate sites, we wanted to use symbolic links in the second site to refer to directories in the first site. Specificially, we wanted to perform the following linkages:

      site2/tclprocs -> site1/tclprocs

      site2/Xlate -> site1/Xlate

      site2/formats -> site1/formats

      site2/Tables – > site2/Tables

      Does anyone have comments, suggestion, positive or negative feedback on trying this etc. Please note Jim’s mentioning of the breaking of symbolic links by the engine toolset.

      I found this artical in the archives

      Anther approach is to use a ‘global’ site. That is a Cloverleaf site which

      will ONLY be a repository for the objects (Tables, Variants, Tcl procs,

      etc.) which are needed in multiple sites. One would never expect to see any

      integrations actually defined here.

      Utilize the same symbolic linking technique.

      An advantage of the site technique is that when upgrading, the entire site

      can be upgraded taking advantage of the vendor supplied scripts and tools.

      Also the existing engine toolsets can be used for managing/maintaining the


      A serious caveat when utilizing symbolic links. The engine configuration

      toolsets create a .bak file of the objects being edited. Because of the

      method being used to create the .bak file (probably a mv instead of a cp),

      the symbolic link actually stays with the .bak file rather than the source

      file. This effectively breaks the symbolic link. It is therefore imperative

      to use the configuration tools in the ‘global’ repository and to develop

      audit tools to assure links have not been broken. Otherwise despite your

      best intentions, you could end up with many ‘local’ copies and the ‘global’

      copy may become not only obsolete, but worthless.

      I have formally asked Quovadx to develop an understanding within the engine

      of the concept of ‘global’ objects and to support their existence natively

      within the engine environment.

      Additionally, the symbolic links in the HCIROOT tclprocs directory will

      disappear with a new release (the install rebuilds the directory without

      regard for what you might have placed there). I have written a Tcl proc

      which saves off the link information and restores the links under argument

      control. The proc is run prior to upgrade to save off the link info, then

      after to restore the links.

      There are many ways to architect your multi-site environment. Rarely have I

      seen such re-architecting introduce any performance issues (normally quite

      the opposite happens as most people have eventually gotten themselves into

      a performance issue trying to stay with one site). It is worth the effort

      to have an intensive brainstorming session to decide what your goals for

      restructuring are and how to best achieve those goals.

      My personal belief is a new environment should consider the use of a multi

      site architecture from the start and lay the groundwork up front thereby

      reducing the necessity to split a site.

      Please understand, architecting into multiple sites does NOT guarantee you

      will never have to do a site split. As time goes by and your integration

      architecture becomes more complex, you may find a need to revisit the

      issue. A good idea is to have a periodic review (every six months?) of your

      architecture and evaluate it’s effectiveness.

      One of the really good benefits of a multi site environment, is the ability

      to control the integration operational environment with greater

      granularity. Thus the need to take down a site (which happens from time to

      time) only affects the threads which reside in that site. Other

      administration activities (such as reporting) can also become improved.

      But there is no free lunch – some activities such as HACMP may become more

      complicated or complex.

      I have also asked Quovadx (through group conversations aimed at requesting

      enhancements) to make the engine toolset multi site sensitive such that the

      defining of and connecting together multiple sites is a non event. when

      deciding what thread(s) to route as destinations for example, the GUI

      should present a hierarchy of defined sites and their threads. The Engineer

      then selects the appropriate destination (no matter what site it is in) and

      all of the necessary configuration is constructed ‘under the covers’ to

      make that happen (such as defining localhost ports to connect the various

      sites). Tools should be deveolped to assist in the management of multiple

      site environments. As is obvious from the response to this question now and

      in the past, multiple site production environments are here to stay and are

      growing. The engine should do a better job of facilitating that


      When I was at Oakwood Hospital, we were among the first to deploy multiple

      site architecture in a production environment (nearly eight years age – can

      that be correct). At that time I noticed the underpinnings in the engine to

      support what has been referred to as virtual hubs (domains).

      I have been predicting for a while now that the need for such cross

      platform (as well as multi site) is coming fast. In my opinion, Quovadx

      would be well served getting ahead of that particular curve.


      Jim Kosloskey

      Original Message

      From: Montoya, Francisco []

      Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 4:21 PM

      To: Technical Issues

      Subject: [clovertech] RE: Looking for information about splitting up sites

      AIX 4.3.3

      QDXi 3.8.1

      When we split our environment into three sites, we had several tcl

      procs, tables, variants and xlates that were needed in all three new

      sites. Instead of having three verisons of these files (one in each

      site), we created a shared directory under the hci root directory and

      then created a link to this directory.

      Our directory sturcture:





      Then within each site there is a link pointing back to the directory

      created above the site level for each of these directories.

      formats -> /hci/root3.8.1P/procd_formats

      Xlate -> /hci/root3.8.1P/prod_xlate

      Tables -> /hci/root3.8.1P/prod_tables

      tclprocs -> /hci/root3.8.1P/prod_tclrocs

      This has been a great time saver for us and we have avoided a management

      nightmare by not having to manage three versions of the same file.

      Francisco Montoya

      Senior Programmer Analyst

      Banner Health

      1441 N 12th Street

      Phoenix AZ 85006

      Phone: 602-495-4971

      Original Message

      From: Jason Alexander []

      Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 3:38 PM

      To: Technical Issues

      Subject: [clovertech] Looking for information about splitting up sites

      We currently run one site on our production machine and we’re

      seeing some performance problems/degradation. (We’ve got lots of

      development sites on a different machine, but the prod machine only runs

      the prod site.)

      Our primary is a cluster of 2 IMB RS6000 M80s with 4 CPUs each,

      6 Gig of real RAM and 4 Gig of virtual RAM. Our production site is 20

      processes with roughly 100 (user defined) threads. When we run HCI

      commands today (hciconnstatus, hciprocstatus, etc.) it is not unusual to

      have the command time-out. We’ve also seen general performance

      degradation as the number of threads has grown.

      I’m looking for folks who have split one functional site into

      two or more sites for any information you might have on

      1) How to do so with minimal disruption to the user community

      2) Information about system performance that might affect the choice of

      configuration (how many threads can a site handle, aside from disk usage

      is there any other penalty to running many sites that might dissuade me

      from splitting into 10 sites instead of 2)

      3) Experience regarding sending messages from one site to another (we

      already use localhost threads to minimize interprocess communication

      which has in the past caused us severe state 7 latency so I suspect that

      this will be a similar process)

      I’d be just as happy to take this discussion to private e-mails

      as well so that we don’t subject the whole list to follow-up questions.

      Jason Alexander

      Systems Programmer

      UW Medicine ITS


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    • Author
      • #57597
        Jim Kosloskey


          I will be at the User Conference next week.

          I am already going to discuss this topic with someone else. If you are going to be there we can discuss this in more detail there.

          For now, I recommend setting up a ‘dummy’ site to house your ‘global’ engine objects (Tables, etc.) and everyone that needs to link to that set of directories.

          The ‘dummy’ site would not have any integrations actually defined but simply be a repository for global objects.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #57598
          Richard Hart


            We have been using links for many years and have roughly (there are go-lives in progress) 15 types of application used in 13 hospital sites and we have 70 active production sites.

            We use links for tclprocs at a ‘global’ level, so that the same tclprocs (we use TCL for almost all our translations) is available to all roots and have the other at a ‘local’ level.


            We are ‘InfoHEALTH’ and have /hci/InfoHEALTH/src/tclprocs/app1|app2|app3…

            and /hci/rootx.x.xP/InfoHEALTH/tclprocs|Tables|Xlate etc

            We believe that this provides significant saving in maintenance etc.

            En example is an update to a new TCL translation script.  We create a second directory, adding the new code and the update is simply to change the link and bounce the threads.  If we need to back-out the change, the link is reverted and the threads are bounced again.

            The ‘real’ benefit comes because we can test the actual production code by using a ‘dummy’ production site.

            We use RCS id’s in all TCL scripts that output to a log file on thread startup, so we use a shell script to change sites, move links and bounce threads and prove that the correct revision is installed.

            I hope this helps

          • #57599
            William Grow


               Two of my company’s senior integrators will be present. Marcelo Trujilo and Kevan Riley.  I couldn’t make it this time.  Is it a bad idea to link directories from one site to another active site?

            • #57600

                As Jim mentioned, there can be problems with symbloic links and caution would need to be exercised.  symlinking of directories will give you a visual indication when you do ls -l that there are symlinks.. You could do hard links but these don’t work across filesystems ( if you split you sites across filesystems) are are always easy to see. tar (aix) does not follow symlinks without the -h option so caution must be used here also.

                a revision control system like cvs would allow for common code and has the advantage of allowing one site not having the same revision as another site. The problem may arise in quovadx lack of support of #comments in some files which would be needed for revision control.

                with revision control you could inventory all sites for current revisions, see who is at a different revision (comements in the revision would tell you why), etc.

                I opt not to use the standard tclproc header for one that has accountability and revision information. (also used in local libs).  The usefulness is for instance a local lib proc is at rev 1.2a on 1 site and 1.3 on another (keept in accesable variable as weel as comments). a tclproc is made and inserted into the sites. the tclproc in the start switch check for the minimum revision of the lib needed and if less sets a flag that will hold the messages in an unprocessed state and echo the problem to the processlog.

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