I am confused about the auto-resend (state 16) feature and the pdl-tcp “bugs” reported and am seeking some clarification.
We had been testing with all our old state 14 recover procs (call ours recover_38) under REV 1. All seemed well. Then I started reading the forum and thought perhaps we could end up with a memory issue in production. So I downloaded (Monday) the recover_56 procs and we are testing. Now, ob connections with the recover_56 continuously resend — it is as if the outbound connection is not recognizing the ACK. But, pdl-debug shows the ACK is okay (this compared to an outbound using the auto-resend feature). (Is this a pdl-tcp bug??? Why did it work with recover_38 procs?)
Areas of focus are obviously the ib-reply and reply-gen procs; why without auto-resend on is reply-gen being hit? Can someone clarify 1) the difference between state 14 and 16,
2) how the state 14 and state 16 messages are handled innately by the engine as it passes through the queues with and without auto-resend.
I have played around and managed to retain multiple state 14 messages in the database for the same connection, but have not seen a state 16. I have not yet tested the auto-resend configuration with “real” resends yet.
Thanks in advance for straightening me out.