Sub-segment issue

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  • Creator
  • #49069
    Ryan Land


      What i need to be able to get is COLOR out of the OBX segment.

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    • Author
      • #60624
        Jim Kosloskey


          If in an Xlate COPY (for example), in the Input Message format panel expand the OBX segment in the Tree. Go to to OBX-3 and expand that; then select appropriate component (I think it is the fifth you want) and double click.

          Note what is entered into the Source column. Notice there is a .[4] after the field number. That is the notation which points to the fifth component (it is zero based) of this or any componentized field.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #60625
          Elizabeth Wilson


            You may either copy only the 4th element to your output:

            1(0).0(0).OBX.00571.[4]  (using single Copy statement)

            or if you are doing Bulkcopy, or copying the entire field – copy @null to output’s   1(0).0(0).OBX.00571.[5]

            Elizabeth Wilson

          • #60626
            Ryan Land

              Thank you both for your responses.  Will what you have replied with also work for repeating OBX’s?

            • #60627
              Elizabeth Wilson

                Yes, it will , as long as you are coding it under ITERATE. In that case I suggest to not using bulkcopy, rather use PATHCOPY for each segment (for OBX also under ITER)

                Elizabeth Wilson

              • #60628
                Ryan Land

                  Here is what I have in the Iterate.  I still cannot get it to remove the ^’s and the unused data.  I appreciate any help.  Thank you.

                • #60629
                  Jim Kosloskey


                    Do you have BULKCOPY or PATHCOPY (for the OBX) involved in this Xlate?

                    Jim Kosloskey

                    email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                  • #60630
                    Ryan Land

                      Here is the Xlate.

                    • #60631
                      Jim Kosloskey


                        OK you have BULKCOPY.

                        That means your outbound message is already built from the inbound message.

                        Therefor rather than COPYing the inbound values you want (and ignoring the values you do not want), you need to get rid of the values you do not want.

                        So you need to COPY @null to the 5th. component of the outbound OBX field in question.

                        — now climbing soapbox —

                        This is just one of the reasons I do not use BULKCOPY unless forced to.

                        —- getting off of soapbox now —  🙂

                        Jim Kosloskey

                        email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                      • #60632
                        Ryan Land

                          Thank you.  This was actullay done by Quovadx and I am just modifying it with this “small” change that is needed.  I will try it and see what happens.  Thanks again.

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