Sub Field breaks

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  • Creator
  • #52279
    Chris Wethey

      What is a Tilde (~) within a HL7 record

      example ||724^^^^^^^99DOC~7777^^^^^^^99DOC||

      I know the “|” is field breaks OBR 3.1 to 3.2 but like the example above, is it the subfield break within say OBR 3.3


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    • Author
      • #73671
        Robert Milfajt

          A tilde is for repeating fields, i.e., multiple values for a field.

          You can think of it as an array, so in your example,



          Hope this helps,

          Robert Milfajt
          Northwestern Medicine
          Chicago, IL

        • #73672
          Jim Kosloskey


            Well that depends on what the tilde in the MSH-2 means but typically that is the repeating field separator.

            So it means this field for this mesage has multiple occurrences.

            email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

          • #73673
            Chris Wethey

              The tilde is the repetitive separator – so when i am performing a lookup using the tblqualify_kill_default within qdx5.5 GUI screen and using this command within the edit of the command for the table view

              “”SEGNAME OBR} {FIELDNUM 28} {SUBFIELDNUM 1}”” – would the subfieldnum be the repetitive within that segname so “0” is the first and “1” is the second and so on down the line.

            • #73674
              Jim Kosloskey


                I don’t recognize that as a Cloverleaf distributed proc so you will probably need to look into that proc to see what it does with those keyed lists (at least they look like they are keyed lists).

                If it is a distributed Cloverleaf proc, let me know.

                email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

              • #73675
                Chris Wethey


                  It is a tcl that is part of the install on our server from either mckesson or quovadx.

                  Here is the coding of that tcl.


                  # Name:         tblqualify

                  # Purpose:      Qualify on a field

                  # UPoC type:    tps

                  # Args:         tps keyedlist containing the following keys:

                  #               MODE    run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)

                  #               MSGID   message handle

                  #               ARGS    user-supplied arguments:

                  #                       TBLNAME         Table Lookup name

                  #                       ERRCOND         Literal that is set as DEFAULT in the table lookup

                  #                       SEGNAME         Segment to check

                  #                       FIELDNUM        Field number to check within the segment

                  #                       SUBFIELDNUM     Subfield to check within the field


                  # Args (Example ENTRY): To qualify on the patient location field (PV1 3):

                  # the arguments would be:

                  # {TBLNAME

                  } {ERRCOND
                  } {SEGNAME PV1} {FIELDNUM 3} {SUBFIELDNUM 0}


                  # Returns: tps disposition list:

                  #          $CONTINUE


                  proc tblqualify_kill_default { args } {

                     keylget args MODE mode                                      ;# Fetch mode

                     set dispList {}                                             ;# Nothing to return

                     switch -exact — $mode {

                         start {

                             # Perform special init functions

                             # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args


                         run {

                             # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it

                             keylget args MSGID mh

                             set msg [msgget $mh]                                ;# Get message


                  # Get arguments


                             set tblname {}

                             keylget args ARGS.TBLNAME tblname                   ;# Fetch the table name

                             set errcond {}

                             keylget args ARGS.ERRCOND errcond                   ;# Fetch the error literal

                             set segname {}

                             keylget args ARGS.SEGNAME segname                   ;# Fetch the segment

                             set fieldnum {}

                             keylget args ARGS.FIELDNUM fieldnum                 ;# Fetch the fieldnum

                             set subfielnum {}

                             keylget args ARGS.SUBFIELDNUM subfieldnum           ;# Fetch the subfieldnum



                                     # Split the message and get fields to check

                                     # First set up some constants


                             set sep [csubstr $msg 3 1]                          ;# HL7 field separator      

                             set sub [csubstr $msg 4 1]                          ;# HL7 subfield separator          

                             set segments [split $msg r]                        ;# Get segments


                                     # LOOP through and make changes


                             foreach seg $segments {

                                 if [cequal $seg “”] { continue }                ;# Just in case

                                 set segtype [csubstr $seg 0 3]                  ;# segment type

                                 if [cequal $segtype $segname] {                 ;# MSH?

                                     set fields [split $seg $sep]                ;# Fields

                                     set checkfield [lindex $fields $fieldnum]   ;# field to check

                                     set subfields [split $checkfield $sub]      ;# subfields

                                     set checkvalue [lindex $subfields $subfieldnum]


                                     # do table lookup


                                     echo “Table=$tblname  Value to check=$checkvaluen”

                                     set tblvalue [tbllookup $tblname $checkvalue]

                                     echo “Table value=$tblvaluen”


                                     # if the default value is returned, KILL the message”


                                     if [cequal $tblvalue $errcond] {

                                        lappend dispList “KILL $mh”

                                     } else {

                                        lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”


                                     echo “dispList=$dispList”




                         time {

                             # Timer-based processing

                             # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args


                  shutdown {

                     # Doing some clean-up work


                         default {

                             error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in tblqualify”



                     return $dispList



                  I need to read the Repetitive information in one of the OBR fields since it could have multiple physician numbers in there and if one of them match’s then i would send the record onto the receiving interface.

                • #73676
                  Jim Kosloskey


                    I am betting this is from McKesson.

                    Anyway from just a cursory glance it appears this proc does not do what you want – so you either need to modify this proc or create a copy with your mods.

                    email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

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