Struggling with a variant concept

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  • Creator
  • #55487
    Lawrence Nelson

      I’ve been given a task (marching orders) of taking in an HL7 billing file with 3 message types (DFT,BAR,ORM) in each message with its own MSH – modifying it where needed – and then sending out the message relatively intact except for my changes.

      MSH (BAR)



      MSH (DFT)




      MSH  (ORM)




      I’ve made a variant so I can have multiple MSHs and allow for optional or repeats for iterations and it contains all the segments I need.

      The xlate lets me apply it via reconfiguration – but it appears to me that the xlate – in the testing tool – is still looking at each MSH/message type as it goes along –   and is holding me to that msg type – and is appearing to me to be basically ignoring the variant.

      I could RAW the message through but they are going to want things done to the message as we move forward,

      and I’m not real excited about doing a bunch of TCL procs for those future changes to alter the message.

      Thoughts on what I’m doing wrong or how I can get around this? I can’t break the message apart by each MSH for the downstream app.

      Lawrence Nelson
      System Architect - MaineHealth IT

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    • Author
      • #85529
        Jim Kosloskey

          Assuming I understand your situation correctly here is what I would do:

          Define a variant with the 3 Message/Event Types (BAR, DFT and ORM).

          Then setup routing for each Message/Event Type as normal.

          Use a separate Xlate for each Message/Event Type.

          Assuming the file is properly terminated, the engine will pick up each message, determine the TrxID and route according to your configuration, and execute the appropriate Xlate.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #85530
          Lawrence Nelson

            Apologies for posting this and then going into a long weekend!

            In response though – what you are stating is not what I intended….

            (it’s what I wish they wanted though)

            I have to keep the message together as a single message.

            So IN and OUT it will have to look like this

            MSH (BAR)



            MSH (DFT)




            MSH  (ORM)




            Lawrence Nelson
            System Architect - MaineHealth IT

          • #85531
            Keith McLeod

              Do you have specs on that?  HL7 says only one MSH segment per message and at the beginning of the message.  Or are you sending Batch? Meaning several messages in a single file with Batch Headers and Trailers?

            • #85532
              Lawrence Nelson

                Batch is the best way to describe it. There isn’t a header/footer – but I’m willing to push back on that if there were – but still they want everything to stay in this format – together.

                Lawrence Nelson
                System Architect - MaineHealth IT

              • #85533
                Lawrence Nelson

                  OK – Let’s close this off topic for now. I don’t want to take up anyone’s time further.

                  You’ve all given me the assistance I need – which is to say I went back to them and told them they need to change we aren’t going to do it their way.

                  Lawrence Nelson
                  System Architect - MaineHealth IT

                • #85534
                  Keith McLeod

                    I can only speculate here..

                    You may have to make your message type BAR.  Not sure if any of the segments repeat within the groupings…









                    You would need to iterate from the beginning so you can uniquely address your MSH, PID, etc. Segments.

                  • #85535
                    Lawrence Nelson

                      Yes – I was on that path – I had a preproc that was changing everything to DFT

                      and I had the iterations and that all appeared to fire off (needed some clean work) – but for some reason, the translation was still throwing messages about not liking the segments that I was sneaking in via the variant.

                      Lawrence Nelson
                      System Architect - MaineHealth IT

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