I’m calling a tcl proc to shut down the process using the system command:
set stopProc [catch [system hcienginestop -p $process]]
Then in shutdown mode, a different tcl proc is kicked off in the background to start the process when certain conditions are met:
shutdown {
echo “starting shutdown mode”
# check to see if variable stopProc exists. If = 1, run proc to monitor dr and start process. If != 1, shut down as usual
if {[info exists stopProc]} {
if {$stopProc == “1”} {
set stopProc 0
exec /qdxtest/qdx5.7/integrator/bin/tcl /qdxtest/qdx5.7/integrator/msjsf2/tclprocs/lib/drdb_startProcess.tcl $HciSite $HciProcess $gmsh11 &
return “”
Everything seems to be working fine — the process stops with the expected error and warning (see end).
Echos in the proc that kicks off when the process shuts down continue to write to the process log. Do you think writing anything to the log after the process has shut down will be problematic ?
Thanks, — Hope
[icl :tcpi:ERR /0: A59Tphi_cmd:08/02/2010 08:55:43] write failed: Broken pipe
[prod:prod:INFO/0: TRphiITS:08/02/2010 08:55:43] Checking for leaked handles in the TPS interpreter…
Handle Allocated by
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WARNING: Message [0.0.1104375] is in the RDB and was left bound into Tcl