stop and start thread with tcl

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  • Creator
  • #50107
    Gary Atkinson

      How do you get the process and thread name from within a tcl proc?  I want to modify the resend recovery proc so that if after “3” resends, to stop and start the thread; then proto the $ob_save.

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    • Author
      • #64921
        Robert Milfajt

          The thread name is in the HciConnName variable, which you need to make global at the beginning of your proc:


          global HciConnName

          The process name I am not sure of, but we have a TCL proc we wrote in which if given the thread name returns its process name.  There may be something easier for this, but this works.


          # get_pname – get the process name that contains the specified thread
          # Args: thread  = the thread name
          # Returns: process      = the process that contains the specified thd
          proc get_pname { thread } {
                 set conndata [exec hciconndump $thread]
                 set lines [split $conndata n]
                 set thdinfo [lindex $lines 3]
                 set pname [lindex $thdinfo 0]
                 if {”$pname” == “”} {error “Thread not found: $thread”}
                 return $pname

          Hope this helps,

          Robert Milfajt
          Northwestern Medicine
          Chicago, IL

        • #64922
          Charlie Bursell

            Boy Bob, a lot of work for a simple problem  ðŸ˜€

            set processName [file tail [pwd]]


          • #64923
            Gary Atkinson

              I am curious to know how the code


              set processName [file tail [pwd]]

              works inside the engine.

              When using a tcl proc in a thread the directory is ./process directory?

            • #64924
              Charlie Bursell

                pwd is current directory.  The file tail command returns the last component of the path.  Since a Cloverleaf engine always runs in the process directory which is the sma name of the process, you have the process name

              • #64925
                Robert Milfajt

                  I am going to have to say it was not my code!   😀

                  Thanks for the tip Charlie, I smell a rewrite coming on…

                  Robert Milfajt
                  Northwestern Medicine
                  Chicago, IL

                • #64926
                  Chris Williams

                    And if you are outside the specific process directory and need to know what process contains a particular thread, you can pull it from NetConfig:


                    proc getProcessForThread {threadName} {
                       set pname {}
                       set netconfig [file join $HciSiteDir NetConfig]
                       nfLoad $netconfig processData hostData xlateData NetFilePrologue
                       set kl [lindex [array get hostData [string tolower $threadName]] 1]
                       keylget kl PROCESSNAME pname
                       return $pname

                  • #64927
                    Bob Richardson


                      Just a caveat on nfLoad here:  it converts thread and process names to all lower case.  So if your shop folllows standard naming conventions (gulp!)

                      and creates threads/processes in lower case, not mixed or upper nfLoad

                      will work here.


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