Status 405 on Outbound ACK with Multi-server

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  • Creator
  • #49616
    John Hamilton

      I have a thread setup as multi-server that is getting the ACK from the inbound data TPS put into the error database sometimes.  I get on average 4 our of 10 messages acks dumped to the error database.

      I change it to just plain server and it all works ok.   Has any body seen this and what did they do to get multi-server working ok.

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    • Author
      • #62739
        Jim Kosloskey


          Assuming you have DRIVERCTL configured in the Multi_server configuration, you need to copy the DRIVERCTRL from the inbound message in your acknowledgment so that the acknowledgment will go to the correct client.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #62740
          Mark Thompson


            We have a vendor who would occasionally disconnect and quickly reconnect after sending a message (before we could deliver the acknowledgement).  In the plain server world, the ack would be delivered correctly to the new connection.  In the multi-server configuration, the engine knows the connection has changed and it can no longer deliver the ack to the original connection.  It goes to the error database instead.

            If that is happening, you should see the disconnect in your process log.


            - Mark Thompson

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