Start (restart) a Process from an Alert

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Start (restart) a Process from an Alert

  • Creator
  • #119502
    Gordon Koch

      Hello All,

      I am reaching out for guidance with the setup of how to start a process via an Alert. For example, what is the full syntax needed to go along with the pstart command, which I assume is placed in the Action pane -> Alert Action -> TCL code. I know that alerts can sometimes not act exactly as expected, so I am looking for other experiences.


      Thank you.

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    • Author
      • #119503
        Robert Kersemakers

          I always use Action pane -> Alert Action -> exec.
          And then use ‘hcienginerun -p <processname>’ to start the process. Or ‘hcienginerestart -d <delaytime> -p <processname>’ to restart the process.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

          • #119507
            Gordon Koch

              Thank you for the response – very helpful; I was not sure that it was this straightforward (and noted that the exec action is selected).

              • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Gordon Koch.
          • #119504
            Charlie Bursell

              Why restart without investigating why it is down?

              • #119509
                Gordon Koch

                  Hello Charlie,

                  You are of course correct in that the root cause needs to be investigated. However this sometimes occurs on our main ADT process, and it often needs to be brought back up right away.

              • #119510
                Paul Bishop

                  Maybe have a script that is executed to restart it and part of that script is to save off the error and log files from the process?

                  Paul Bishop
                  Carle Foundation Hospital
                  Urbana, IL

                • #119603
                  Holly Harp

                    Hello, I am very new to using the alert configurator. What do i put on the Trigger side after setting up the Action Side?

                    I want the restart to happen after the thread has been idle for 6 hours.

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