Mike – we’re still on v5.8r5, so some things are going to be a bit differnet for us; like where to put the Tcl proc, how the protocol / thread are configured, etc…. On our version this is inlcuded in an HTTP protocol thread in the queryTPS proc and we have the ssl license. Here in California for our Public Health Agency (PHA) connection, I had a wsdl to follow for the SOAP envelope and I just used Tcl to wrap it around the hl7 message like below. The variable $inMsg is the HL7 VXU message coming into the engine.
# Apply SOAP-ENV to the HL7 Message
Then set your outbound message handle to the variable soapenv, which has the SOAP enveloped HL7 message. Similar to;
This is all sent over TCP ssl secured connection. It may not be very elegant, but it’s been doing the job for us for now. One thing to watch for is most like the “ACK/NAK” will be returned to you in XML (SOAP enveloped), so you’ll most likely need a proc to deal with the reply unless you ignore them. I just stipped out the HL7 from the XML then ran it through the regular cl_check_ack that we use.