SSL Connection

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  • #55173

      How do I know if I have SSL Connection in Cloverleaf 5.8

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    • Author
      • #84459
        Jim Kosloskey

          Do you want to know how to recognize a NetConfig thread configuration which uses SSL?

          Do you want to know if you can configure and run an SSL based connection?

          Do you want to know if you can tell via the NetMonitor what threads have been configured to use SSL?

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #84460
          RUDY RAMOS

            I want to know if I have everything that I need be able to build an intreface via SSL.

            Is ther a special module that I need to acquire from INFOR in order to be able to do an SSL interface?

          • #84461
            Jim Kosloskey

              Yes there is. It used to be called secure messenger but I am not sure what they call it today.

              There was a charge for it then it was free and people are saying there is a charge for it again.

              Just make sure what you are quoted is for the SSL only support and not CAA-WS (which I think includes the SSL add-on) or secure courier which is something entirely different.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #84462
              RUDY RAMOS

                where do I check to find out if i have it or not?

              • #84463
                Jim Kosloskey

                  The Process log lists all of the add-ons licensed and it may be that add-on has a easily recognized line in the Log (will be right at the start of the log).

                  Another way is to configure a thread for SSL (you can do that without a license) then try to connect. At connect time you will get an error (I don’t recall what the text of the error is) if you are not licensed.

                  Another way is to check with your Infor (or whoever you got Cloverleaf from) account rep to see if you are licensed for SSL support.

                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #84464
                  Marc Pleijers

                    Hi Rudy

                    Like Jim mentioned the add-on is called Secure Messenger and as far as I know you have to pay for this add-on.

                    We are reseller in The Netherlands for Cloverleaf and our customers have to pay for this add-on.

                    In the process printout but also in your license file you will see these add-on modules when you have Secure Messenger:

                    – cl-aom-ssl

                    – cl-aom-sftp

                    – cl-aom-ftps

                    Often this add-on is bought by customers because they want to use FTPS or SFTP, but you can also do SSL over TCP/IP with this add-on module.

                    The CAA-WS add-on is for Web Service interfaces and has SSL included, but when you have CAA-WS you still need Secure Messenger if you want to do FTPS, SFTP or SSL over TCP/IP.

                    Kind regards

                    Marc Pleijers

                    Marc Pleijers
                    Senior Integration Consultant
                    Enovation BV
                    The Netherlands

                  • #84465
                    Rob Abbott

                      What Marc said 🙂

                      And I have to address this…

                      Jim Kosloskey wrote:

                      There was a charge for it then it was free and people are saying there is a charge for it again.

                      Not true. It’s always been a separately licensed component.  In some cases it’s included in a license bundle but as far as I can recall we’ve never offered Secure Messenger for free.

                      Rob Abbott
                      Cloverleaf Emeritus

                    • #84466
                      Jim Kosloskey

                        Well Rob maybe a bundle is what we experienced. I certainly could be mistaken (not the first time and probably won’t bee the last 🙄 )

                        email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                      • #84467
                        Russ Ross

                          If you are able to determine the name of a license needed for what you are interested in, which is not always easy especially if you don’t have it, then you can use hcilictest to confirm if it is defined and working in your license file ($HCIROOT/vers/license.dat).

                          So if these are the moduels of interest like mentioned above




                          you can run the following commands to see if they are OK.

                          hcilictest cl-aom-ftps

                          hcilictest cl-aom-sftp

                          hcilictest cl-aom-ssl

                          This still leaves you the work of figuring out which modules are of interest.

                          Russ Ross

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