sqlite version questions

Homepage Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf sqlite version questions


  • Creator
  • #113432
    Jeff Dawson


    We recently upgraded to CIS on AIX 7.2 TL 1.  We have a sqlite database around 430MB and was trying to export the contents to a file shown below, perfomred this with other databases but it seems there is some type of limitation possibly with the version of sqlite we are running?  We did open a ticket with IBM which looked at the core dump and said it was on the application side, sqlite.   We ended up doing 3 select statements using a unique number to pull files of about 500k of rows to finally clear the table.  I’ve reached out to the sqlite.org user group and their initial reply was asking why is such an outdated version of sqlite being used.   After doing an install for CIS6.2.4.0 it looks like this is the version that comes with the base install.  Has anyone upgraded to a more recent version of sqlite on AIX?


    SQLite version 2012-10-04 19:37:12

    Enter “.help” for instructions

    Enter SQL statements terminated with a “;”

    sqlite> select count(*) from EpicADT;


    sqlite> .output finalAllHospTable.txt

    sqlite> select * from EpicADT ORDER BY acctNum;

    Memory fault(coredump)


    iscax_testcis02@hci (/cistest/cis6.2/integrator/sqlLiteDbs/JGD)

    />ls -altr

    total 1378760

    -rw-r–r–    1 hci      staff     436788224 Oct 29 15:46 EpicADT_PROD1TBL.db

    drwxrwxr-x   20 hci      staff          4096 Oct 29 15:48 ..

    -rw-rw-r–    1 hci      staff             0 Oct 29 15:48 finalAllHospTable.txt

    drwxrwxr-x    2 hci      staff           256 Oct 29 15:49 .

    -rw-rw-r–    1 hci      staff     269121503 Oct 29 15:49 core


    Table schema

    sqlite> .schema

    CREATE TABLE EpicADT (msgDT TEXT, msgID TEXT, hosp TEXT, FirstName TEXT, MI TEXT, LastName TEXT, DOB TEXT, Gender TEXT, pt


    AIX Power 8 + server 16 cpu’s running

    />ulimit -a

    time(seconds)        unlimited

    file(blocks)         unlimited

    data(kbytes)         unlimited

    stack(kbytes)        unlimited

    memory(kbytes)       unlimited

    coredump(blocks)     unlimited

    nofiles(descriptors) 20000

    threads(per process) unlimited

    processes(per user)  unlimited

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  • Author
    • #113434
      Rob Abbott

      Hi Jeff

      sqlite 3.7 is what we certified for Cloverleaf 6.2.x

      sqlite 3.15 is certified for Cloverleaf 19.1.x

      We’ll look at upgrading these to the latest (3.30  I think?) in a future patch.


      If you want to upgrade yourself, please be careful as we have not certified newer sqlite versions.  You can probably install the latest version somewhere outside of Cloverleaf and use those tools to access your database.

      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

    • #113446
      Jeff Dawson

      Thanks Rob, I’ll bring this info back to our interface team…appreciate the info!

    • #113484
      Rob Abbott

      Another thought, I believe the sqlite DBs are portable, so you could copy the database file to a windows desktop and use Windows sqlite tools to manipulate the data.

      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

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