My issue is that I need to split out an inbound ORM message from our HIS LAB Application into individual separate messages for each OBR encountered.( example below ) and route each message separately to the vendor. So for the example below(inbound), I would have 3 messages going to my outbound.
I already have an x-late that contains a SUPPRESS action at the top of the design and I have two iterates currently to group
by the ORC Segment with a SEND action after the second iterate. That is not working. I get a duplicate messages in the Xlate testing tool of the first OBR and it never gets to the second. I have tried many different combinations before coming to post this question however I am a newbie and am quite frustrated to say the least. Can you please provide some guidance/help ?
PID|1||M000000241|M289|CSHTESTING^FROMOPTIMU||20080101|M||1|200 SOMERSET STREET^^NEW BRUNSWICK^NJ^08816|||||S||F00000000961|
PV1|1|I|NB.PAT3^315A^A^CSH|RO|||FANTMIC^Fantasia^Michele^^^^MD|FANTMIC^Fantasia^Michele^^^^MD||NB REHAB||||UNK|||YALAKRI^Yalamanchi^Krishan^^^^MD|IN||G|||||||||||||||||||CSH||ADM|||201111291112|
NTE|1||LAB Specimen Type: Blood|
OBX|1|CE|LABSPEC^LAB Specimen Type:||BLD^Blood|